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Called by God 1 Peter 2:5-10.

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Presentation on theme: "Called by God 1 Peter 2:5-10."— Presentation transcript:

1 Called by God 1 Peter 2:5-10

2 Who Calls? God calls (v. 10; 1 Cor. 1:9; 2 Tim. 1:8-9).
How does He call? Sign? Still small voice? Some experience? Something better felt than told? By (through) gospel (2 Thess. 2:13-14; cf. Jn. 6:44-45).

3 Nature Of This Calling It is a spiritual calling.
Benefits are spiritual also (Eph. 1:3).

4 Called Nobody Darkness No mercy Somebody Light Mercy Out of Into
1 Peter 2:9-10

5 Called Blind Satan Sin Nothing Open eyes God Forgiven Inheritance
Out of Into Blind Satan Sin Nothing Open eyes God Forgiven Inheritance Acts 26:18

6 Called Hopeless Godless Christless Homeless Hope God Christ Home
Out of Into Hopeless Godless Christless Homeless Hope God Christ Home Eph 2:11-13

7 How Do We Respond To This Call?
Call is through the gospel. Respond through gospel requirements. Hear (Mk. 16:15). Believe (Jn. 8:24). Repent (Lk. 13:3). Confess (Matt. 10:32). Be baptized (Mk. 16:16).

8 We Must Continue To “Make Our Calling And Election Sure.”
See 2 Peter 1:5-11. After obeying the gospel we are expected to be “...His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works...” (Eph. 2:10). Growing (2 Peter 3:18). Strengthening our faith (Acts 20:32). Become steadfast and immovable (1 Cor. 15:58).

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