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Targeting Teens.

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Presentation on theme: "Targeting Teens."— Presentation transcript:

1 Targeting Teens

2 What do you associate with being a teenager? What ‘needs’ do they have?
Peer pressure Pocket money Being cool Continue the bullet point list in the box.

3 Why do you think advertisers like to target teenagers?
Answer the question in the box.

4 Why are we surrounded by so many adverts?
We live in a consumer culture (a culture driven by buying things) and advertisers want to make money. Adverts are not always aimed at the same audience. They are targeted at a specific demographic (such as middle-aged females, or school-age teenagers). WHAT’S SO SPECIAL ABOUT TEENAGERS? It’s easy to prey on teenagers because they: have many insecurities; are prone to peer pressure; have a desire to ‘fit in’ or ‘be cool’ and respond well to humour. Advertisers target many of these characteristics in their strategies to make their product sell.

5 What adverts appeal to you but not your parents?
Targeting teens What adverts appeal to you but not your parents? Answer the question in the box

6 Why do advertisers market to teens?
Teens are considered the largest consumer demographic, or grouping of people that buy things; teens are thought to have disposable income, or money that can be spent on luxury items or things you don’t really need; teens greatly influence their peers and parents; establishing brand loyalty, or dedication to a certain brand, at a young age ensures that brand is bought for the rest of that teen’s life.) Why do advertisers market to teens?

7 General Advertising strategies
Buying a lifestyle, not a product Selling an ‘image’, not a product Attracting your attention with humour Attracting your attention with shock This advert is telling you that if you drink enough milk, not only will you lose weight, you might look like Beyoncé too! This advert sells a lifestyle and an image. Beyoncé takes up more of the frame so your attention is drawn to her. The colour scheme is complementary to her gold dress giving you the idea of success, wealth and warmth.

8 Analyse the following adverts…
Take note of: Use of slogans (meaning, placement, font type size and colour) Brand (what does it look like/suggest, is it well known, placement, colour size) Text (what does it say, placement, font style size and colour) The product (how is it shown, placement, colour, size) The image(s) that accompany product (technical features and visual codes)









17 Design a teen advert You need to create an advert for a new soft drink called ‘Froot’. Draw an advert which a) sells a lifestyle and b) targets a specific need for your demographic

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