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Results of the Task Force 223

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1 Results of the Task Force 223
Policy Group on Statistical Cooperation October 2016, Zadar, Croatia Results of the Task Force 223 (Doc. PGSC/2016/10)

2 Task force work on implementing the amended Regulation 223
Contents Background Task force work on implementing the amended Regulation 223 Next steps and discussion points

3 1. Background ESSC May 2015 agreed to establish a dedicated Task Force (TF) with the mandate to discuss specific issues and exchange best practice After creation of the TF, Eurostat invited MS to identify issues and topics to be discussed Dedicated collaborative TF site on CROS portal (access restricted to TF members) Results 3 TF meetings reported to ESSC May 2016

4 1. Background cont. Main changes of the amended regulation:
Principle of professional independence is unconditional for the Heads of NSIs and ONAs (clear provisions role/responsibilities/rights/obligations/accountability; recruitment/dismissal based on professional criteria/transparency/equal opportunities) Coordinating role of NSIs and Heads of NSIs (strictly related to European Statistics (ES), NSI is "sole contact point" for the EC, representative function NSI Head, coordination ONAs, national quality guidelines) Access to administrative data sources (free of charge, involvement in design and discontinuation) Commitment of Confidence in Statistics (ES CoP + acknowledged role in maintaining public confidence)

5 2. Task force work on implementing the amended Regulation 223
What are "European Statistics (ES)"? Decided by Regulation, ESS Agreement, … Relevant and necessary for EU functioning Transmitted by NSAs to ESTAT (no other DGs) Disseminated/published at EU level by ESTAT Produced by one or more ESS partners Produced according to ES CoP principles

6 2. Task force work on implementing the amended Regulation 223 cont.
Allowing all ES to be identified and described in the Catalogue of Products The TF recommends further enhancements to Catalogue (incl. name of entry, of producing ESS partner, establishing decision and, where relevant, assessment of relevance and necessity) Currently data providers are identified as NSI/ONA/other: "other" needs to be checked and should be either included as ONA or Eurostat would have to refuse the data

7 2. Task force work on implementing the amended Regulation 223 cont.
Coordination of "European Statistics (ES)" is very different in each MS FI: well working coordination in centralised system with few ONAs; producing larger share of national than of European statistics ES: State has exclusive competence over statistics for State purposes; statistical activities producers listed in Inventory of Statistical Operations PT: well working coordination in centralised system with more than one producer

8 2. Task force work on implementing the amended Regulation 223 cont.
UK: devolved statistical system ("devolution to regions") + decentralised with little legislation to bind the system together, but with strict rules for all statistical producers ensuring quality DK: centralised statistical system characterised by close cooperation among producers, but only empowering the NSI to carry out "soft coordination" which is not always enough (need to reinforce the central governance); while European Statistics is enforced by law, there is a national labelling procedure for national statistics

9 2. Task force work on implementing the amended Regulation 223 cont.
FR: based on various legal provisions and the principle of complete professional independence. INSEE coordinates ONAs (mostly Ministries). One element of coordination is a system of seconding statisticians to the ONAs, temporarily helping them to produce statistics. To strengthen governance of system France has national bodies which mirror ESGAB and ESAC DE: DESTATIS is single contact point for ESTAT but high degree of regionalisation. Aim to reduce number of ONAs from 31 to 18. DESTATIS signs MoUs with ONAs including quality assurance

10 2. Task force work on implementation of the amended Regulation (EC) 223/2009 cont.
Many different ways to organise coordination Decentralised systems have inherent strengths in policy relevance, but must invest in national coordination mechanisms Centralised systems have inherent strengths in national coordination, but must invest in achieving policy relevance Discussion to be continued

11 2. Task force work on implementation of the amended Regulation (EC) 223/2009 cont.
Administrative data Large majority MS have legislation in place for the access of administrative data Implementation + enforcement may be difficult Strong formulation in Reg. 223 ("shall establish") expected to help overcome these problems National support procedures considered key: e.g. access to Prime Minister, fines for refusal, government resolution obliging to consult NSI

12 2. Task force work on implementing the amended Regulation 223 cont.
Commitments on confidence Political Could take different forms to reflect NSS particularities Differences to be perceived as a strength, not a weakness No new template will be issued, but the old templates will be put on the CROS portal The forum will continue to be used to share thoughts and designs

13 2. Task force work on implementing the amended Regulation 223 cont.
Recruitment/dismissal Heads of NSIs ESTAT prepared overview paper forming a good basis for further discussions, but sensitive and not distributed in its present form Once all comments/corrections are received and after the process of amending the national legislations, ESTAT will put the new version on the CROS portal

14 2. Task force work on implementing the amended Regulation 223 cont.
General content of ESTAT overview paper: While in general sharing the aims of transparency, professional criteria and equal opportunities, the national procedures are not in all MS fully in line with Reg. 223 Overwhelming majority of MS uses open and transparent competition procedures; typical "professional criteria" include academic degrees, career record, experience Reasons for dismissal include proven incompetence, violation of duty, criminal convictions and provide adequate protection against arbitrary dismissal which might undermine independence

15 2. Task force work on implementing the amended Regulation 223 cont.
For the term of office most MS have limits concerning duration and renewability Little discussion on equal opportunities, but it can be assumed that no MS applies discriminatory recruitment provisions (because of clear rules) While for heads of NSIs the national recruitment procedures can easily be brought in line with Reg , this is more difficult for statistical heads of ONAs (as they are often directors of departments within national ministries with many different responsibilities): all national legislation on heads of NSIs and ONAs have to be in line with Reg. 223; Reg. 223 is binding

16 2. Task force work on implementing the amended Regulation 223 cont.
National reports National annual reports of NSIs show considerable variations in design and content The variation in format, content and language does not make it easy for a European stakeholder to gather consistent information from the reports However, in the absence of any need expressed by the stakeholders in European Statistics, the TF concluded there was no need to change current practice Links to annual reports will be collected on the CROS portal providing a "catalogue of ideas"

17 2. Task force work on implementing the amended Regulation 223 cont.
National Quality Guidelines The TF decided to liaise with the Working Group on Quality (WGQ) which is carrying out a survey on national quality guidelines and regionalisation of NSSs which aims at collecting and identifying best practice Final inventory is shared with TF who is analysing parts having implications for 223 implementation

18 2. Task force work on implementing the amended Regulation 223 cont.
Revisions of national legislation Many TF MS (DE, EE, EL, FR, LT, HU, PL, SE, SI, NO; ongoing deliberations in AT, BE, PT) decided to update their legislation, especially as regards national coordination (but also better access to administrative records and even the possibility of covering aspects of private sector – big data – is sometimes also considered) Few members reported that direct applicability of Regulation 223 makes national legislation superfluous but added that on some specific points they consider national measures (FI, UK)

19 3. Next steps and discussion points
No further TF meeting envisaged now. However, if a need arises, it could be decided to hold one end 2016/early 2017 Exchanges of essential topics, such as the coordination of European Statistics, Head NSI appointment/dismissal, etc. will continue (by or via CROS portal) Actions: List of products: "Cleaning" of bodies reporting through EDAMIS Guidance on national reports in Nov. ESSC Analysis WGQ survey on quality guidelines

20 Questions for discussion
Coordination role to be restricted to European Statistics ? How do you deal with implementation and enforcement of access to administrative records ? Are you discussing with the governments of your countries to envisage a political commitment of confidence? Is the recruitment/dismissal of Heads of NSIs and of ONAs in your country in line with Reg. 223?

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