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New AST Website Temporary url:

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1 New AST Website Temporary url: Draft of website to be presented for comment/review Request help on creating/adding to certain pages

2 Changes to new AST website
Looked at other international program websites like GODAE, WMO for inspiration Removed frames: Allows users to get to any place on website without having to return to homepage Allows tracking of website traffic on Google Analytics Updated colors and text on website Reorganized current pages and added a few new ones to display more of Argo’s value Emphasizing impact of Argo through how Argo data are being used to detect global change, as well as other new incites into Argo data Attempting to “archive” more information such as meeting websites, old news items, etc. Adding more media links as Argo gets more requests for videos, podcasts, etc.


4 = different location or name of page
= new page = different location or name of page = removed page Old site map above New site map to the right Data viewers Global change analysis

5 Gridded Fields

6 Data viewers

7 Meetings

8 Content needed from AST members
Gridded fields page: Displaying links to gridded temperature and salinity fields based on Argo data Data viewers page: Please send link and description of other data viewers developed / adapted to display Argo data Bibliography pages Please continue sending bibliography citations Beginning to track number of papers published by country

9 Volunteers needed to provide updated content on new research use pages
Global change analysis Please send examples (can be links to papers or short text and figures) of Argo’s role in estimating global change in Temperature Heat content Steric sea level Hydrological cycle variability Other global studies New incites into Argo data Please send examples of new incites into Argo data to update/modify current Research Use page (

10 Comments, questions, volunteer sign ups
Happy to hear comments and questions now or by after looking through draft website Will be looking for volunteers for the new pages on global change analyses and research uses Would like to make page live by June

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