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Beef and Poultry Meats.

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1 Beef and Poultry Meats

2 Protein You need 5-7 oz. from the meat, poultry, fish, dry bean, egg and nut group daily. Protein is the main nutrient found in meat. The main functions of protein are: Build and repair muscle tissue Replace muscle tissue Make antibodies

3 The Animal and the Protein
Meat from a cow is called beef Meat from a Calf is called veal Meat from a pig is called pork Meat from a young sheep is called lamb Meat from a mature sheep is called mutton Meat from chicken, turkey or fowl is called poultry Liver, brains or heart is referred to as variety meats

4 Meats Meat come from the muscle of the animal.
It is government inspected for wholesomeness Locomotion meats Tough Support meats Tender Most nutritious Best flavor Costs the most

5 Meats Marbling is the small amount of fat throughout the meat which provides tenderness, flavor and moistness

6 Tenderness You can produce tenderness in less tender cuts of meat by
Marinating with acid Pounding Moist heat cooking Commercial tenderizers Grinding Scoring

7 Meats Meat label Kind of meat Primal wholesale cut Retail cut

8 Meats Steaks are thinner cuts while roasts are a thicker cut
Fresh meats will usually last in the refrigerator for 2 to 4 days. The safest way to thaw frozen meats is in the refrigerator Next best way is by microwaving OR Under cold running water

9 Cooking Meats Salt is added at the end of cooking
A thermometer is the best way to ensure properly cooked meat A thermometer should be placed in the center of the meat, away from the fat and bone Cooking methods Dry heat Moist heat Undercooked ground beef can result in E. coli To reduce the fat in ground beef after cooking, rinse with warm water

10 Serving Meats Boneless meat provides 4 servings per pound
Some bone or fat provides 2 to 3 servings per pound Large amount of bone or fat provides 1 to 2 servings per pound

11 Poultry Cooking methods Skin Light/dark meat Cooking temperature
Dry heat Skin Non digestible and high in fat Remove it to reduce the fat Light/dark meat Light is leaner Cooking temperature 107 for parts 180 for whole Juices should run clear

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