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Research Skills Review

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1 Research Skills Review

2 Evaluating Sources

3 True Question 1 True or False?
When evaluating a website, “accuracy” refers to the quality of the information (i.e. sources are cited, info is free of grammatical errors). True

4 TRUE Question 2 True or False?
When evaluating a website for “bias” you are looking to see if the information presented is fair, balanced, and reasonable. TRUE

5 False Question 3 True or False?
Internet sources are generally reliable because they are written by experts, they go through thorough fact- checking, and they have to correct mistakes. False

6 False Question 4 True or False?
When evaluating a website, “authority” refers to if the information is free of prejudice. False

7 False Question 5 True or False?
When evaluating a website, “currency” refers to how much money was put in to the website. False

8 Plagiarism True or False

9 Question 6 True or False? To avoid plagiarism, you must cite summaries, paraphrases, and quotes. True

10 True Question 7 True or False?
Using common knowledge information in your paper without documenting your source is NOT a form of plagiarism? True

11 Question 8 True or false? Plagiarism is the act of spreading diseases (such as the plague) through improper hand washing. False

12 Is this Plagiarism? Yes or No

13 Question 9 Your friend took this class last year and gives you his paper. You re-type the whole thing, changing a lot of words and adding in a few of your own thoughts. Is this plagiarism? YES!!!

14 Question 10 You copy a paragraph word for word from an article you found. You cite the source but don’t use quotation marks. Is this plagiarism? YES!!!!

15 Question 11 You find an excellent idea in an article and you use it in your paper. You don’t bother to cite the source because it is completely in your own words. Is this plagiarism? YES!!!!

16 Question 12 You find a short passage in a book and you carefully reword it so that it’s very different from the original. You also carefully cite the source and include a works cited page. Is this plagiarism? NO!!!!

17 Summarize and Paraphrase

18 True Question 13 True or False?
You should use a summary when you want a condensed overview of a large chunk of information. True

19 False Question 14 True or False?
Placing the original text in your own words and adding your own opinions or interpretations is how you correctly paraphrase a source. False

20 Question 15 True or False? Using entirely your own wording, not adding your own opinion, and only covering the most important points is how you correctly summarize. True

21 Question 16 What, if anything, is wrong with the following paraphrase?
Original source from James D. Lester. Writing Research Papers Students frequently overuse direct quotation in taking notes, and as a result they overuse quotations in the final research paper. Probably only about 10% of your final manuscript should appear as directly quoted matter. Therefore, you should strive to limit the amount of exact transcribing of source materials while taking notes. Paraphrase Quotations are an important part of research; however, many students overuse them, and pass in papers that contain more than 10% of directly quoted material. Students, then should strive to limit the amount of quotes they take down when they are researching (Lester 46-47). What, if anything, is wrong with the following paraphrase? a portion of the paraphrase is a direct quote and should be in quotation marks. The wording of this paraphrase is too close to the original and is therefore plagiarized. The passage is paraphrased perfectly.

22 Question 16 What, if anything, is wrong with the following paraphrase?
Original source from James D. Lester. Writing Research Papers Students frequently overuse direct quotation in taking notes, and as a result they overuse quotations in the final research paper. Probably only about 10% of your final manuscript should appear as directly quoted matter. Therefore, you should strive to limit the amount of exact transcribing of source materials while taking notes. Paraphrase Quotations are an important part of research; however, many students overuse them, and pass in papers that contain more than 10% of directly quoted material. Students, then should strive to limit the amount of quotes they take down when they are researching (Lester 46-47). What, if anything, is wrong with the following paraphrase? a portion of the paraphrase is a direct quote and should be in quotation marks.

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