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Cynhadledd GATE Conference Ian Layzell RIBA Uned Adeiladu, Tân ac Ynni Domestig Construction, Fire and Domestic Energy Unit Construction procurement policy.

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Presentation on theme: "Cynhadledd GATE Conference Ian Layzell RIBA Uned Adeiladu, Tân ac Ynni Domestig Construction, Fire and Domestic Energy Unit Construction procurement policy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cynhadledd GATE Conference Ian Layzell RIBA Uned Adeiladu, Tân ac Ynni Domestig Construction, Fire and Domestic Energy Unit Construction procurement policy Constructing Excellence

2 Cynhadledd GATE Conference Ian Layzell RIBA Tere Hommikust! Dzień dobry! Dober dan! Guten morgen! Good morning! Bore da!

3 Cynhadledd GATE Conference Background information Legislative status of Assembly Sustainable development + Action Plan New Assembly building Government policy on timber Building Regualtions Planning Policy

4 Cynhadledd GATE Conference

5 Welsh Assembly Government Limited powers of legislation Control over capital investment £800 million / year for public sector construction Schools, hospitals, social housing, roads Assemblys own buildings - Aberystwyth Procurement - direct / indirect

6 Cynhadledd GATE Conference Wales construction Public sector: value for money Public sector construction – 40% total Assembly buildings Public agencies and public services Local Government Social housing providers

7 Cynhadledd GATE Conference Wales construction Public sector: Best Value Requirement for all public sector expenditure Improve economy, efficiency and effectiveness Non-commercial matters in contracts Whole life value of investment

8 Cynhadledd GATE Conference Wales construction Private sector: profitability Private sector construction – 60% total Private clients and companies Commercial property developers House builders Industry and manufacturing

9 Cynhadledd GATE Conference Assembly policies and priorities To guide our investment in construction Main priority is sustainable development Economic development - jobs + training Social justice - regeneration + communities Environmental protection - renewables + waste

10 Cynhadledd GATE Conference Influences on construction Legislation- Planning / Development control Legislation - Building Regulations control Guidance - Procurement methods Investment - Requirements and standards

11 Cynhadledd GATE Conference

12 Influences on construction Legislation - Planning Assembly sets planning policy Use of land + permission to develop land External design of buildings Energy efficient design Nothing against timber

13 Cynhadledd GATE Conference Influences on construction Legislation – Building Regulations Assembly has no power but is consulted Apply to most buildings Health, safety and stability requirements Energy efficiency requirements No control of choice of materials

14 Cynhadledd GATE Conference Influences on construction Building Regulations and Sustainability Sustainable + Secure Buildings Act 2004 Allows wider sustainability requirements Government (ODPM) study on sustainability in Building Regulations Possible requirements to consider impact of materials

15 Cynhadledd GATE Conference Influences on construction Best practice guidance For private and public sectors Constructing Excellence Constructing Excellence in Wales

16 Cynhadledd GATE Conference Influences on construction Guidance – Public sector Central Government: Achieving Excellence Public agencies: Health Estates, WDA Local Government: WLGA, CLAW Housing Associations: procurement guidance

17 Cynhadledd GATE Conference Influences on construction Guidance – Public sector Process: procurement methods Product: specification and standards OGC / Green purchasing Performance standards

18 Cynhadledd GATE Conference Timber in construction Controls and influences Legislation: Planning control Legislation: Building Regulations Investment: Client requirements and standards Guidance: Procurement methods

19 Cynhadledd GATE Conference Timber in construction Legislation Planning control - little effect Building Regulations - more effect in future

20 Cynhadledd GATE Conference Timber in construction Investment in construction Client is King - big effect Can decide what materials are used Clients must be educated

21 Cynhadledd GATE Conference Timber in construction Guidance Develop understanding - long term effect Explain business case / benefits Encourage best practice Constructing Excellence in Wales

22 Cynhadledd GATE Conference Assembly Construction Policy Themes Sustainable development objectives Maximise value of capital investment Whole life value (WLC + LCA) Its coming soon Timber will play a part

23 Cynhadledd GATE Conference Final thoughts….. can not force the use of timber, but.. we can create the policy environment we can set requirements and standards we can explain the benefits and give guidance… to make timber the natural choice for construction!

24 Cynhadledd GATE Conference Diolch yn fawr! Thank you very much!

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