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IHI L22 Session Summary Team:______________.

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Presentation on theme: "IHI L22 Session Summary Team:______________."— Presentation transcript:

1 IHI L22 Session Summary Team:______________

2 Facility Description Demographics System characteristics Picture

3 Nulliparous Data Review
Top 3 Learnings Top 3 Surprises Perinatal Deep Dive What is the date of last deep dive? From that deep dive what were the top 3 learnings for the team. What were the top three surprises?

4 Results: PC-01 Monthly outcome measure What do you currently know about this patient population?

5 Results: PC-02 Monthly outcome measure What do you currently know about this patient population?

6 Aim Template The (name of your specific project/team) ________________________________________________________________ intends to accomplish (This is a general over arching statement describing what you intend to improve. It also includes the areas you have targeted for change- harm, oxytocin use, patient centered care, etc. It answers the first question of the Model for Improvement.) by (time frame, ie, month/year in which you intend to accomplish improvement) for (what group are you doing this for – who is the customer- internal or external) because ( the rational and reasons to work on this improvement project) _________________________________________________________________ _______________________ Given all of the above, craft your Aim statement.

7 Our goals include: (Answers the second question of the Model for Improvement. Here they are stated as numeric goals – usually ambitious goals to stretch the system) Your goals. Make sure your goals line up with the processes you have identified to improve and your Aim.

8 We are most proud of….

9 We need help with…..

10 Final Word You get the final word. What did we leave out? What is important and missing? What would your team like to share or ask or express as a final word in this story board.

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