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1 Canada

2 The People Native Americans Inuit (Arctic natives)
Immigrants from around world Freedoms (Political/Religious) Economic/Educational Opportunities Refuge from wars Loyalists (to Great Britain) 1/3 of Canadians claim mixed ethnicity

3 Density and Distribution
90% population lives along US border Rugged terrain and bitterly cold climate Average population density is 8 ppl/sq. mi Internal migration was west to Prairie Providences Discovery of oil and natural gas Most people live in cities Toronto (industry/finance) Montreal (industry/shipping) St. Lawrence Seaway system Vancouver (all Asian trade) Edmonton (petroleum)

4 Early People 200,000 natives were here before Europeans in 1400’s
Next 200 years, natives decreased Europeans claimed land Diseases introduced .French and British conflict began in 1670 British pushed French from Hudson Bay Quebec captured 1759 New France controlled 1763 Quebec Act passed 1774 French right to keep language, religion, and system of laws Extended Canadian territory to Ohio River

5 Government English and French speaking communities disagreed about colonial government policies Fear of US takeover forced cooperation Canada was created as a dominion (Great Britain) Full independence in 1931 Britain kept right to approve Canadian changes Ended in 1982 with Constitution Act

6 Canada’s Government Today
Democratic Constitutional Monarchy Sovereign Queen Elizabeth II (Monarch, head of State, leader of Commonwealth, head of executive/legislative) Governor General Viceroy Executive Queen Elizabeth II Cabinet Administration Legislative (Parliament) (represented by Governor-general) House of Commons Senate Judicial Court System

7 Expansion and Diversity
1800’s Canada expanded Atlantic to Pacific Arctic to US border Britain encouraged immigration French minority (1st time) French nationalism Gold Rush US escaped slaves (refused to punish) Native Americans pushed Nunavut – “Our Land” Reparations – “healing fund” 1900’s Canada became highly industrialized

8 Modern Challenges Trade with US is thriving
United States – Canada Free Trade Agreement NAFTA Eliminated tariffs/barriers Struggle to maintain separate identity Bombarded with US culture French speaking Canadians (Quebec) Support separatism (independence)

9 Language and Religion 2 official languages English and French
Quebec – French dominated Native languages Cree Inuktitut (Inuit) Christians make up most of Canada’s religions Other religions Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, and Sikhism Very diverse population represented

10 Education Health Care Public and private schools
Ages 6-16 school is mandatory Providences are responsible Government pays for health care Federal government sets standards Providences are responsible for financing/managing Canadians are living longer Costs have increased Limit benefits or raise taxes Health Care

11 Family Life One of wealthiest countries in world
High standard of living Average life expectancy 80 years old Among world’s highest

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