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Ecology Presentation.

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1 Ecology Presentation

2 Ecology is the study of all interactions of living organisms within a certain ecosystem and their physical environment


4 An ecosystem is a certain area where these interactions take place and consist of….
Biotic factors- living components Abiotic factors- physical aspects Habitat- where certain organism live Community- where organisms reside Population- how much of each organism is contained within the habitat

5 Terrestrial Biomes are dictated by two major factors: Temperature and Rainfall

6 Major Terrestrial Biomes
Tundras Tiagas Savannas Tropical Rain forests Temperate Grasslands Deserts Deciduous Forest Evergreen Forests

7 Freshwater Biomes consist of…
Estuaries- where saltwater meets freshwater. Wetlands- swamps, bogs, or marshes Littorals- Shorelines Limnetics- Shallows Profundals- Deep waters

8 Marine Biomes are split into..
Shallows, Surfaces, and open depths

9 Biodiversity is the variety of organisms, their genetic differences, and the communities in which they occur in. This relationship is directly affected by the biomass or amount of resources an ecosystem contains.

10 Biomass Total dry weight within an ecosystem.
It varies among ecosystems and is determined by temperature and rainfall, Tropical rainforests contain the most.

11 In order for us to understand biomass we must first be able to understand energy transfers

12 Pioneer Species Original living thing that starts all life in an area. This species will be replaced by.. Primary Productivity- first growth of plant life (food source) These organisms can trap sunlight and convert it into food energy

13 Ecosystems start as… First a pioneer species like moss and small plants inhabit the ecosystem. Second is the primary succession of land which is the primary growth of larger bushes and trees. Lastly is secondary succession which is the recycling of land and resources burnt from fires or cleared from farming.

14 Food chains show the trophic level relationship of each community within an ecosystem. That is how energy moves through an ecosystem

15 Trophic Levels consist of
Producers- plants and other photosynthetic organisms that can make their own food. Primary consumers- those organisms that consume producers. Secondary consumers- those organisms that consume anything above primary consumers.

16 Food webs are more complicated
They show the mixtures of food chains and how they are interconnected.

17 All organisms within an ecosystem are categorized as
Herbivores- plant eaters Carnivores- meat eaters Omnivores- organisms that eat both plant and meat Detritivores- those organisms that decompose dead matter and place it back in the soil for recycling.

18 Biogeochemical Cycles
These cycles take nonliving components of the ecosystem and pass them through the living portion. Water Carbon Nitrogen Phosphorous

19 Water Cycle/Hydrologic Cyle
Evaporation Condensation Precipitation Transpiration Urination/Respiration Runoff Percolation into soil/ Ground Water

20 Carbon Cycle

21 Nitrogen Cycle

22 Phosphorous cycle

23 Let’s look at where organisms reside.
A niche is the actual job an organism has within an ecosystem. It’s size, temperature, and it’s role in the ecosystem are all part of an organism’s niche Producer, Consumer, Predator, Prey, Parasite, Decomposer are all types of roles to play

24 A Niche can fall under 2 types
A fundamental niche is the area an organism can reside in. A realized niche is the area an organism actually resides in.

25 Organisms could reside..
In many areas or huge amounts of areas are called generalist Or they can reside in only specific areas which we refer to as specialists

26 Types of interactions Predator/ Prey Symbiosis Mutualism Parasitism

27 Predator/Prey Organism provides food/energy for another organism within an ecosystem

28 Symbiosis- living together
A close relationship between 2 organisms living together 3 Types Mutualism Commensalism Parasitism

29 Mutualism 2 organisms benefit from the relationship

30 Commensalism 1 organism benefits while the other is unharmed

31 Parasitism 1 Organism benefits, while the other organism is harmed by the relationship

32 With all the diversity of organisms within an ecosystem, competition must occur.

33 When species compete for the same resources one loses and one wins.

34 Dividing Resources allows organisms of the same species the ability to survive without competing

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