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Government Review.

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1 Government Review

2 Forms of Government Governments around the world share, or distribute, power in different ways There are 2 main ways governments DISTRIBUTE Power Unitary form of government Federal form of government

3 Central Authority Regional Authority
Country or Nation Regional Authority State (Province) County City

4 Congress (Senate & House of Representatives)
Washington D.C. President Congress (Senate & House of Representatives) Supreme Court

5 Unitary Government Central Authority Regional Authority

6 FEDERAL GOVERNMENT Regional Authority Central Authority

7 Citizen Participation
Different governments decide a citizens’ role in government differently The government can share none, little, or most of its power with its citizens

8 rule by one OLIGARCHIC DEMOCRATIC rule by all
AUTOCRATIC rule by one OLIGARCHIC rule by the few DEMOCRATIC rule by all

9 2 main forms of democratic governments . . .
Parliamentary Presidential

10 Presidential Democracy
Different branches of government (executive, legislative, judicial) are equal in power Executive branch independent from the legislature (meaning the president elected by citizens not legislature) Remy, Richard C., United States Government- Democracy in Action (Columbus, OH: Glencoe, McGraw-Hill, 2006) 10

11 Parliamentary Democracy
Legislature (most of the time called “Parliament”)makes most decisions Executive (Prime Minister) elected by the legislature instead of by the citizens Remy, Richard C., United States Government- Democracy in Action (Columbus, OH: Glencoe, McGraw-Hill, 2006) 11

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