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Supreme Court at Work.

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Presentation on theme: "Supreme Court at Work."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supreme Court at Work

2 Sits 2 weeks a month during court term
Court Procedures Sits 2 weeks a month during court term All terms have been continuous since 1979 Court hears oral arguments during these 2 weeks After sitting, they work 2 weeks in private and consider the arguments and work on upcoming cases Write opinions

3 How a case reaches the court
Writ of Certiorari Supreme Court orders a lower court to send a case up Mistake Significant constitutional issue Reject more than 90%

4 How a case reaches the court
Appeal Request for review If the case is dismissed, the lower court ruling is final

5 How a case reaches the court
The Solicitor General Appointed by the president Makes decision to appeal Appeal of a lower court decision Involving the federal government

6 How a case reaches the court
Selection of cases by Justices Rule of 4 Per Curiam Opinion – No oral arguments heard

7 Steps In Deciding Major Cases
Submitting Briefs Oral Arguments Conference Writing Opinion

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