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The Seventies in Black and White

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1 The Seventies in Black and White

2 Information Civil Rights issues were still strong in the 70’s
The Supreme Court ruling in Milliken v. Bradley exacerbated “white flight” to suburban neighborhoods in order to avoid desegregated schools of the inner cities Affirmative action was also still incredibly controversial White workers and students claimed they were denied advancement in favor of hiring or admitting ethnic minorities over ability or achievement

3 Information Native Americans used the momentum of the Civil Rights movement in order to gain power Through the use of the courts and well-planned civil disobedience, Native Americans were able to assert their status as a separate, sovereign, people. Their victories culminated in the Supreme Court case of United States v. Wheeler, declaring that Native American tribes possesed sovereignty.

4 Source 1 O- Detroit Newspaper from 1976
C- Reporting on how busing in response to affirmative action has not had a noticeable effect P- Inform the public on the failure of desegregation V- Relevant and supported by the inequalities and white-flight occuring L- Biased in reporting to the general public and not to specific cultures

5 Source 2 O- Picture of protests supporting affirmative action
C- Showing the protests supporting affirmative action and opposition to the Supreme Court ruling P- Showing the resistance to the Supreme Court ruling against affirmative action V- Segregation and discrimination were still very prevalent at the time L- Obvious racial bias supporting affirmative action

6 Source 3 O- Reporter picture from 1970
C- Shows Native American activists occupying Alcatraz P- Reveal Native American’s push for sovereign power during the 1970’s V- Resisting the obvious discrimination against Native Americans L- Civil Disobedience could reduce the legitimacy of their agrument

7 Comparison, Source 2 and 3 Both Source 1 and 3 show demonstrations in resistance to discrimination and racism in legislation and Supreme Court decisions Source 2 suggests resistance against the decrease in Affirmative action, while Source 3 is a civil disobedience movement for Native Americans to gain sovereignty.

8 Questions Argue why Affirmative Action caused “reverse racism” against whites regarding students and jobs Evaluate the effectiveness of Native American’s civil disobedience and Supreme Court battles.

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