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Round-Robin Together with your trio, follow this protocol:

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Presentation on theme: "Round-Robin Together with your trio, follow this protocol:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Round-Robin Together with your trio, follow this protocol:
A – Briefly state your opinion. B – Paraphrase A’s opinion. Add your thoughts and opinion. C – Paraphrase B’s statement. Add your own thoughts and opinion. A – Paraphrase C’s statement. Adapted from: Groups at Work: Strategies and Structures for Professional Learning. L. Lipton, B. Wellman

2 Prompt & Respond Together with your partner, follow this protocol:
1. Read to the stopping point. 2. Record your thoughts about the question. 3. Discuss your thoughts with your partner. 4. Repeat process at each stopping point. Adapted from: Groups at Work: Strategies and Structures for Professional Learning. L. Lipton, B. Wellman

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