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Concluding Remarks Charm-2006 Stephen L. Olsen Univ of Hawai’i.

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Presentation on theme: "Concluding Remarks Charm-2006 Stephen L. Olsen Univ of Hawai’i."— Presentation transcript:

1 Concluding Remarks Charm-2006 Stephen L. Olsen Univ of Hawai’i

2 Standard Model Symmetries
Weak Strong& EM Symmetry Strong & EM Weak C & P CP Gauge Flavor yes violated (maximally) yes violated (small??) yes violated (pretty badly) violated (~20% level) yes

3 Flavor physics: the SM’s industrial sector
matter-antimatter differences C,P & CP violations Flavor sector Flavor violations flavor symm violations gauge symm violations Masses

4 CKM triangle at Charm-2006 CPV angles only: η=0.321±0.027 =0.193±0.57 consistent with constraints from measmts of lengths of sides only: η=0.342±0.022 =0.216±0.036 Simplistic(?) summation: f1+ f2+ f3  182o  ~20o

5 CKM Unitarity Triangle at Charm 2016
or Only experiments in all areas of the flavor sector will give the answer

6 High energy experiments need low energy inputs.
Likewise g-2 and f-factory measurements

7 Do we understand hadrons?
Swedish academy says YES!

8 What questions are Charm2006 participants asking?
Are f0(980) & a0(980) qq or qqqq states? Is there a s? … a k? If so what are they? Are there glueballs? Where are they? What are the XYZ particles? These questions (& others like them) betray a fundamental lack of understanding

9 Is this like nuclear physics?
No! The nuclear physicist doing spectroscopy knows that his nuclei are comprised of protons & neutrons. We, in contrast, are trying to ascertain the basic nature of the states we deal with.

10 Flavor physics world 2006 BES CDF/D0 Kloe Belle CLEOc BaBar

11 Flavor physics world 2016 Panda BES LHCb ??

12 BEPC2/BES-III will be the flavor-physics flag bearer
Lots of responsibility Lots of opportunity

13 Thanks to Yifang, Haibo & their team!
Special thanks to: Miss Ying-Hua Jia, for her hard work preparing for the workshop. Mr. Tie-Jun Deng, for arranging nice social activities & help with travel, etc….. Local organizers International advisory committee for many kind suggestions on the scientific program IHEP, CCAST, CAS for support Speakers & participants

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