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Volunteers Enhancing Capacity Enhancing capacity Intro to Amy and Sara

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Presentation on theme: "Volunteers Enhancing Capacity Enhancing capacity Intro to Amy and Sara"— Presentation transcript:

1 Volunteers Enhancing Capacity Enhancing capacity Intro to Amy and Sara
Hands up- currently have a volunteer team - don’t -considering / developing Other ways of enhancing capacity; we will have some time to share ideas on this

2 Hopes and Fears Hopes: What do you want to gain from the session?
Any reservations/ concerns? Coloured post its Space / wall /flip chart Explain the activity, participants to put up their responses .. Read out/ allow everyone to read..

3 Aims Identify the processes involved in using volunteers
Share ideas and resources Highlight potential pitfalls Consider how we can move forward Sara

4 Getting the balance right

5 What’s Involved? Recruiting Training Supervision and support Roles Amy
Flip charts around the room:Recruiting Training Supervision and Support Roles How / Who/ Resources? For each- what do we have / what do we need?

6 How? Who? What resources are needed?
What’s Involved? Recruiting Training Supervision and support Roles For your title, discuss and note: How? Who? What resources are needed? Amy Flip charts around the room:Recruiting Training Supervision and Support Roles How / Who/ Resources? For each- what do we have / what do we need?

7 Recruiting and Training at Gateshead SENDIASS

8 Supervision and Support at DIAS

9 Roles Parent Support Young Person Support Admin
IT / Web design / Videos / Social Media Representation Training and peer support Amy

10 Some things to consider (not an exhaustive list!)
Enhancing capacity, not replacing paid staff Don’t assume skills knowledge and confidence Always include the basics Ensure clear routes of communication Check policies apply Volunteers are not employees Ensure role and remit are clear Amy

11 A word on the law Avoid ‘contracts of employment’ whilst ensuring effective management Consider: - formality of documents - language used in documents - financial reimbursement for expenses only Abide by data protection law Intellectual property Sara

12 Enhancing capacity : other possibilities?
Videos Apps Apprentices Information: the new IASS Officer?

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