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Faith at Work James 4.

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1 Faith at Work James 4

2 Faith “De-friends” the World
JAMES 4: 1 -4 Result of faithless wisdom: “confusion and every evil thing” (3:16) CONFLICT: Wars and fights (battles), 4:1-2 Strife in the church, in the home, in society, Gal 5:14-15; 1 Jno 3:15; Col 3:5

3 Faith “De-friends” the World
JAMES 4: 1 -4 Result of faithless wisdom: “confusion and every evil thing” (3:16) LUST: Pleasure (hedone, 1, 3) “To set the heart upon”, 4:1, 2, 3 Pleasures (4:1, 3): Took delight in fighting Possessions (4:2): Vain effort to satisfy Petitions (4:3): Selfish prayers of indulgence

4 Faith “De-friends” the World
JAMES 4: 1 -4 Real Problem: They had befriended the world Adultery (unfaithful to God), 4:4; Jer 3:8, 20 Friend of the world is an enemy of God, Psa 73:27-28

5 Faith “De-friends” the World
JAMES 4: 1 -4 Must “de-friend” the world, Jno 2:15; Gal 5:19-21; Rom 13:12; Eph 5:6-8, 11 Sharing values, goals, pleasures, wisdom… with the world makes you worldly! Don’t lust after selfish pleasures (1 Jno 2:16) Don’t be influenced by worldly people, Eph 5:7, 11 (1 Cor 15:33-34)

6 Faith Relies on God’s Grace by Submitting to God
JAMES 4: 5 -10 Grace overcomes sin, 4:5-6 God is jealous, Exo 20:4-5 (Prov 6:34-35) Protective of His glory and honor Refers to His justice and holiness God gives grace that is greater than sin, 4:6; Rom 5:20-21

7 Faith Relies on God’s Grace by Submitting to God
JAMES 4: 5 -10 Grace to overcome sin requires a working faith, 4:7-10 Faith at work assures grace that saves! Submit to God, 4:7 Resist the devil, 4:7 (1 Pet 5:9) Draw near to God, 4:8 (Exo 19:22) Cleanse your hands, 4:8 (Rom 6:13) Purify your heart, 4:8 (Jas 1:6-8; 4:3) Godly sorrow and repentance, 4:9 Humble yourselves, 4:10 (Phil 2:5-8)

8 Faith does not Speak Evil of its Brethren
JAMES 4 : 11-12 To speak evil makes one a judge: Over his brother, 2:4 Over God’s law, Lev 19:18 (Matt 22:39) There is one Lawgiver, 4:12 He saves and destroys, Matt 10:28 He will judge those who sin against us

9 Faith Depends on God JAMES By keeping life in perspective, 4:13-14 4 :
13-17 By keeping life in perspective, 4:13-14 Life is uncertain (don’t boast about tomorrow), Prov 27:1; Matt 6:33-34 Life is brief, Job 7:7; Psa 39:4-6

10 Faith Depends on God JAMES By living for the will of God, 4:15-17 4 :
13-17 By living for the will of God, 4:15-17 “If the Lord wills” (4:15) Revealed in God’s word; live by it, Eph 5:17; Col 3:16 Arrogant boasting (4:16) Jas 3:14 Omitting what we know is good shows arrogance (4:17)

11 Faith at Work JAMES 4 Refuses to practice and fellowship worldliness
It repents of past and present sins in order to be clean before God Is humble before God and relies on divine grace, not human wisdom

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