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Teacher Silvino Sieben

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1 Teacher Silvino Sieben
FUTURE FORMS FUTURE FORMS 1ª série EM Teacher Silvino Sieben

There are a number of different ways of referring to the future. It is important to remember that we are expressing more than simply the time of the action or event. The Future tense will always refer to a time later than now, but it may also express our attitude to the future event. There are three main forms of referring to the future: WILL GOING TO + INFINITIVE PRESENT CONTINUOUS

3 I am spending the next weekend at home.
Present Continuous It is used to speak about personal arrangements, when the time and / or place have already been decided. Example: I am spending the next weekend at home.

4 Form Affirmative: They are traveling to Madrid tomorrow at 8pm.
Negative: They aren’t traveling to Madrid tomorrow at 8pm. Interrogative: Are they traveling to Madrid tomorrow at 8pm?

5 Going to + infinitive It is used to speak about our intentions and predictions, even if they are some way in the future, particularly when we already have evidence of what is going to happen. Example: I am going to study information technology when I finish school.

6 Form Affirmative: They are going to travel tomorrow.
Negative: They aren’t going to travel tomorrow. Interrogative: Are they going to travel tomorrow?

7 Will / Won´t The report will be ready at 3 o´clock.
It is used to make predictions. Example: The report will be ready at 3 o´clock. It is used to make decisions at the moment of the speech. Example: A: The vase is about to fall. B: I’ll catch it. It is also used to give opinions after verbs such as be sure, think, hope and know. Example: I hope you´ll learn this topic.

8 Form Affirmative: They will travel tomorrow.
Negative: They won’t travel tomorrow. Interrogative: Will they travel tomorrow?

9 Exercises: We __ Jon at the pub tonight. 3) Sara is pregnant. Look at her belly. She__ have twins. Will meet Are going meet Will meeting Are meeting Is Meet Is going Is going to 2) A: My books are falling! B: I ____ help you. 4) I think it ___ next week. Am going to Is going to rain Will Raining Am Going to rain Going to Will raining Going Will rain

10 Any questions??

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