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2018 Regular Season Meeting #4

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1 2018 Regular Season Meeting #4

COURTESY & COURAGE: When to Penalize Bad Behavior? -- PJ Calello NJILOA Secretary/Treasurer; NILOA Vice-President

3 Referee Magazine Quote
Life is filled with regrets, things we wish we’d said when a situation presented itself. And there are those situations in which saying nothing at all would have been the better option. Such is the way of life and in officiating. 

4 Referee Magazine Quote
What you keep to yourself is often more valuable than what you verbalize… “They want confrontation. Agree with them. That defuses them.”

5 Referee Magazine Quote
“You can’t pass on comments that cross the line. Some officials may give a stern warning instead, but you have to be able to back it up if something similar is said later.” 

6 Attack on Your Partner When you hear a criticism of your Partner (or his call) where the coach implies he blew it, you need to address this tactfully. Comments such as: Coach, I’ll talk to him during a break & see what he saw. Coach, he’s in a much better position to see the play. Coach, I saw it the same way he did. What are some other Responses? Address the Coach’s concern, but remember, we are also a team... we don’t throw our partners under the bus & we back each other up. But we also want to get calls correct, especially in the adjudication of a rule.

7 When Coaches are the Problem
When you penalize a coach, try to start by taking the ball away. Then put him man-down for a 30-second Conduct Foul. If that is not working, a 1:00 Non-releasable Unsportsmanlike Conduct Foul should do it. If all else fails... Ejection. This is called “Working up the Ladder”

8 When Coaches are the Problem
We are getting many complaints regarding coaches, but no one is saying that they used the Conduct Foul. They seem to be trying to please and placate, rather than enforcing. 

9 When Coaches are the Problem
Inform Rob Milideo, NJILOA Professionalism & Conduct Chair if you’ve had a significant issue with a coach or team. We need to be aware of these situations so this type of behavior doesn’t continue. A call to that school’s Athletic Director from Rob after a coach earns an Unsportsmanlike Penalty prompts a conversation with the coach that usually helps us all. Consistency on this and enforcing proper behavior from coaches & players makes it easier on the next crew.

NJSIAA HANDBOOK: Once a coach/player has been disqualified, NO appeals will be honored from the coach, player, official or any other party. Disqualification is a judgement call and officials must be certain the act warrants an Ejection. The proper forms must be completed & sent to all parties concerned. The form & procedure are posted on our NJILOA website.


Rule 1, Section 7: Art 1.  The longitudinal weaving shall be attached at the back of the throat of the crosse. This stick does not appear to meet that requirement. Art 2. Any crosse in which the net is woven to the head in such a manor that a lip or hook is formed that might ensnare the ball is illegal. This stick does not meet that requirement either.


14 RESTARTS Rule 4, Section 22: (Pages 52-53)
ART. 4: ...No restart shall take place with any player within 5 yards of the ball carrier. Make sure both offensive & defensive players are at least 5 yards away. Notify the Goalie which offensive player has the ball & where it is restarting. Player must be standing still for re-start. Restart where ball was when the whistle blew or at about the same spot where it went out of bounds. Make sure you only have one ball on the field.

Q1: Nearing the end of the quarter, seconds left; a flag down for a slash & the offensive team still possessing the ball… they take a shot that misses & we blow the play dead.  When the penalty is reported, the scorer’s table tells us that there is no time left on the clock so period is over.  I wasn’t sure if offensive team should retain possession to begin the next quarter or if the period should begin with a face-off & the team a man-down.  We gave the ball to the offensive team to start the next quarter in the alley near where the penalty was incurred, but I am not confident of the decision. Were we correct?

RULE 4, SECTION 3: FACING OFF (Art. 1 Exceptions) ...In the event of an extra-man situation - or a flag- down creating an extra-man situation - at the conclusion of any period, the next period shall be commenced by awarding possession of the ball in the same relative position on the field to the team that had possession of the ball (or is entitled to possession by a play-on) at the conclusion of the prior period. However, if the period ends with no team in possession, except in the previously ­mentioned flag- down situation, the ball shall be faced with all the normal restrictions.

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