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MLA Format You may want to use for your work cited page

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Presentation on theme: "MLA Format You may want to use for your work cited page"— Presentation transcript:

1 MLA Format You may want to use for your work cited page
MLA 7th edition

2 OWL Purdue University Have trouble with MLA? Then, use this cite:

3 Purdue Online

4 Cornell Notes You will be asked to keep Cornell Notes, which will store your research. You must have 5-10 entries. This will be collected on the due date of your paper. Example: Research Question (will be written at top): How do the effects of environmental changes contribute to the endangerment of frogs? Title of website URL Date accessed Quote “The Benefits of the Spotted Frog” 17 May 2011 Quote: “Inmates at the Cedar Creek Corrections center are staffing a project to bolster the dwindling population of the Oregon spotted frog. The results of their 85-cent-per-hour job has stunned researchers” (Sullivan 4). Commentary:

5 Powerpoint Effective, appropriate link between the research and the presentation 10 slides not including the title page (so 11 total) 25 points--summative

6 Oral Presentation 5-10 minutes 15 points-summative

7 Active Listening Listen and evaluate the oral presentations
Students will evaluate peer Cornell Notes

8 Multi-genre Add one or more types of writing pieces different genre
connected to the topic presents one or more perspectives personal and creative can present multiple, even conflicting perspectives of topic Will be presented with PowerPoint.

9 Multi-genre 10 sentence paragraph explaining the meaning of your piece: --Why did you choose this? --Why is it significant? --How does it connect to your topic? -- What was your thought process while creating it?

10 Ex. of different genres bumper sticker poems interview song lyrics
Fable video Photography comic strip map letters parodies obituary recipe web site home page diary want ads menu brochure interior monologue

11 Multi-genre 35 Points--Summative

12 Reflective/Social Element
Relate some personal connection or interest to the topic Provide a “looking back and looking forward” focus Examine: what led to the topic what was learned how research will impact future actions, goals, and perspectives

13 Reflective/Social Element
25 points-- Summative

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