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Collaborative Time-Sensitive Targeting (TST)

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1 Collaborative Time-Sensitive Targeting (TST)
End State Benefits Enhanced decision making of operators and supervisors as well as improved task & team coordination Improved user situation awareness & workload 2006 Objective Requirements, scenario, & prototype design and evaluation of activity awareness & interruption recovery tools to support teamwork in synchronous operations 2006 Milestones Development of Team Testing Lab completed (MIT) Initial activity awareness tool development completed (MIT) November: Complete evaluation of initial awareness tools (MIT) December: Complete requirements & development of supervisory interruption recovery tools (MIT) November: Begin adapting TRACS tool to team setting (MIT) December: Requirements update for further activity awareness tools (MIT) Approach Identify & develop collaborative activity awareness interfaces to facilitate within and cross-team decision-making and coordination Potential Customers IDS – MMA, AWACS, FCS Graduation Plan 2008 NCO Thrust Project Plans Strategic Alignment System-of-System Efficiency Strategic Theme Alignment Network Centric Operations Global Information and Collaboration TRL to Date: 3-4 Collaborations: MIT $165K / AFRL $15K External Leverage: CRADA AFRL/ HE; DARPA Augmented Cognition Contract; Design Interactive, Inc.; Massachusetts Institute of Technology CY: ‘06 ‘07 ‘08 Project Tasks / Funding Levels $219K* $219K* $219K* Initial success with developing and transitioning multimodal technologies such as 3-D audio, but with increased interest in supporting network centric operations, the project focus is shifting to developing display technologies which support more essential coordination issues in cross-team synchronous and handoff operations Overarching objectives of this new project focus are: Improving collaborative decision making under time pressure and uncertainty Improving task coordination within teams of operators in networked operations during synchronous operations and handoffs Improving task continuation and coordination during operator handoff in shift changes These objectives will be addressed through the design and evaluation of improved collaborative display technologies for a specific time-critical task domain relevant to other ongoing work at Boeing, and Boeing partners The specific goals of the MIT project include: Develop representative collaborative task scenario Complete: The Generalized Team Coordination task. The GTC task involves a team of operators working together to secure passage for an important political convoy through a large hostile region. The team includes Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) operators and a mission commander overseeing the team’s mission operations. Each UAV operator is responsible for supervising multiple, highly autonomous UAVs to identify hostile contacts and for coordinating with an external strike team to prosecute targets. Identify potential technology opportunities in this task domain to help address overarching project objectives Complete: Initial investigations revealed that current collaboration technologies (e.g., , instant messaging) lack support for effective communication and coordination in workload-intensive operations. A recent approach in the collaborative technology literature of providing activity awareness appears to help teams coordinate their actions and reduce the workload associated with collaborating via technology. Develop collaborative technology requirements to support the representative task scenario Complete: Conducted cognitive task analysis on GTC task scenario to develop collaborative technology requirements, focusing on providing collaborative activity awareness. Develop and evaluate prototype collaboration technology Ongoing: Prototype collaborative awareness displays are currently being developed to evaluate the effectiveness of providing activity awareness information in a simulated GTC task environment during user experiments. The evaluation protocol is being developed along with appropriate teamwork metrics. Planned (June-Nov’06): Evaluation of the prototype collaboration awareness displays Design and build team testing environment for evaluating proposed collaborative awareness displays Complete: Built Phase 1 of team testing environment: Reconfigurable Team Workstations & Mobile Team Stations Planned (May’06): Built Phase 1 of team testing environment: Reconfigurable Team Workstations & Mobile Team Stations Refine prototype collaborative awareness technology and evaluation protocols and metrics based on evaluation results. Also extend prototype to support operator handoff aspect of team task operations and integrate other HSI technologies, such as Persistent Contextual Interaction Techniques (PCIT) approach Evaluate refined collaboration awareness technology Iterate as necessary Boeing team will use the results of already completed MIT and AFRL work (2005), ongoing (2006) work, and NCO thrust / C4I program inputs to develop requirements for Persistent Contextual Interaction Techniques (PCIT) approach – collaboration tools that can be used for within or cross team (spatial or temporal) notifications of information / actions required and or log data, to manage muand as a gateway for pulling supporting data; requirements may include speech input and audio cues. Meetings with MIT Requirements Definition/Refining for Awareness Tools Scenario & Awareness Tools Design Develop Team Testing Lab Prototype & Evaluate Tools Document Activity Awareness Tools Development of Objective Team Metrics Experimental Validation of Collaborative Awareness Tools for Specific Applications PI: Mary E. Hornsby Copyright © 2004 Boeing. All rights reserved.

2 2006 Accomplishments to Date
AFRL CRADA & MIT Strategic Univ. Funding Completed: Lab & portable testbeds (AFRL), Team testing lab (MIT); Integrated research plan Leveraged: Aptima’s DDD SBIR Phase II; Research expertise in team performance from Univ. Central FL and George Mason Univ. Design Interactive Completed: Validation of multi-modal user interface design guidelines for integrating visual, auditory, and speech user interfaces Completed: Development of initial activity & situation awareness displays and simulation software test-bed for team supervisors of time-sensitive targeting operations involving teams of unmanned vehicle operators Technology Graduation AWACS New Product Dev.: Spatial audio for air battle managers Technology Image Papers presented at the 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI 2005) & the Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium (CCRTS 2006) Paper accepted at the American Society of Naval Engineers’ Human Systems Integration Symposium (HSIS 2007) Research Alignment Alignments formed with AWACS New Product Development and NCO Thrust for potential technology graduation paths X Copyright © 2004 Boeing. All rights reserved.

3 Collaborative TST Project Overview
Project Goal Develop technological support for futuristic unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) teams engaged in TST operations Current Focus: Technology to Support the Team Supervisor Future Focus: Technology to Support Operator Activity Awareness Copyright © 2004 Boeing. All rights reserved.

4 Assisting Team Supervisors of UAV Teams
Research Goal Develop activity awareness display technology for team supervisor of UAV team engaged in TST operations Research Approach Develop representative TST task to explore UAV team operations Conduct cognitive task analysis (CTA) to generate requirements for supervisory decision support and activity awareness displays: Implement supervisory displays in a simulated task environment Conduct experiment to evaluate effectiveness of interface displays Current Progress Currently conducting user experiment (Oct-Nov 2006) CTA led to the design of two large-screen interfaces to assist team supervision CTA helped determine relevant activity information & level of detail at which it should be displayed Copyright © 2004 Boeing. All rights reserved.

5 “Surveillance support for a ground convoy through a hostile region”
Evaluating the Supervisory Awareness Displays Experimental Task Scenario: Generalized TST Team Task Scenario “Surveillance support for a ground convoy through a hostile region” Task Details: UAV team consists of: 1 Mission Commander 3 UAV operators, each controlling multiple UAVs UAVs have camera sensors only Team must coordinate with external strike team to destroy identified threats Experimental Design: 2 (Targets) x 2 (Operators Present) Mixed Design, repeated measures on the Targets factors Independent Variables Targets: low and high (i.e., # of targets the TST team has to identify and destroy) Operators Present: present and not present (i.e., whether UAV operators are present or not) Copyright © 2004 Boeing. All rights reserved.

6 Mission Status Display
Supervisory Activity Awareness Displays Situation Map Display Mission Status Display Copyright © 2004 Boeing. All rights reserved.

7 Students Supporting this Project
6 Undergraduate Students 2005: 2 research assistants: A. Pandey; H. Conner 2006: 2 undergraduate theses: A. Rico, MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Thesis: Mission Commander Displays in Time-Sensitive Targeting Operations C. Furusho, visiting student from the Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica, San Paulo, Brazil Thesis: Application of the New Hybrid CTA Method to Requirements Generation and Design of User Interfaces for Highly Autonomous Unmanned Vehicle Systems 2006/07: 2 research assistant & 1 undergraduate thesis: Two students visiting from Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica, San Paulo, Brazil C. Fisher, MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Thesis: TBD 2 Masters Students 2006/07: 1 research assistant & 1 Masters thesis: M. Visser, visiting from the Technical University of Delft, The Netherlands J. Wan, MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Thesis: Interruption Recovery Tool for Team Supervision in Time Sensitive Command and Control Environments 1 PhD Student : 1 PhD dissertation: Y. Boussemart, MIT Engineering Systems Design Thesis: Currently being defined, but will relate to the development of objective team metrics, beginning with the adaptation of the recently developed “Tracking Resource Allocation for Cognitive Strategies” (TRACS) tool for a team setting. Copyright © 2004 Boeing. All rights reserved.

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