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Bystander Vocabulary Chapters 19-24

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1 Bystander Vocabulary Chapters 19-24

2 Significant adjective
-important in effect or meaning "Eric understood that something significant had happened."

3 Persist verb refuse to stop
Eric persisted, refusing to be dragged off topic.  

4 Initial  adjective -occurring at the beginning “Mrs. Hayes initial reaction was shock"

5 Disperse   verb   -move away from each other "The bell rang, the group began to disperse."

6 Sullen adjective darkened by clouds; gloomy, dismal "Eric was sullen and embarrassed to be alone with Mary, and in such sorry shape."

7 Serene adjective  -completely clear and calm "Eric just lay there, oddly serene, wondering how badly he was hurt."

8 Ferocious adjective -marked by extreme and violent energy “Cody's eyes blazed and he hit Eric on the side of the face with a ferocious right hook."

9 Proximity noun -the property of being close together “Despite its proximity to school, this was actually Eric's first time inside the cemetery grounds.”

10 apprehensive adjective
-in fear or dread of possible evil or harm “David was waiting at Eric's locker when the final bell rang. Hallenback seemed apprehensive.”

11 Tentatively adverb in a hesitant manner
“Even if, let's say, maybe you saw something that seemed a little harsh, he tentatively began. What if you did say something? You'd get your butt kicked the next day.”

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