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Jessica Nagbe Period 2B Peck

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1 Jessica Nagbe Period 2B Peck
Vocabulary 11 Jessica Nagbe Period 2B Peck

2 Partisan (noun) (par-tis-ee-en)
a strong supporter of a party, cause, or person Michelle Obama was a faithful partisan of Obama during his campaign. A good way to remember is partisan has the word part in it which relates to supporting something

3 Demography (noun) (demo-graph-ee)
the study of statistics such births, deaths, income, etc. The demography of births per woman (fertility rate) in the U.S is 2. a good way to remember is demography has the word graph which is used to record statistics

4 Subliminal (Adjective)
(sub-blim-inal) resulting from a processes of which the individual is not aware The subliminal effects of the colors in the McDonalds advertisement made people hungry. A good way to remember is sub in subconscious

5 Infidel (noun) (in-fi-del) a person who does not believe
in a religion or worships another religion other than one’s own The village shunned the young boy because he was a infidel and believed in other things then what they did. When you think of infidel remember infidelity means going outside your marriage which relates with infidel and going outside your religion

6 Reactionary (adjective)
person opposing political or social liberalization or reform The new presidential candidate was considered a reactionary because she believed everyone should be more conservative. when you think of reactionary think of anti-liberal

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