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Experimental Search for the Decay
K. Mizouchi (Kyoto University) (1) Physics Motivation (2) Detector (3) Selection Criteria (4) Branching Ratio (5) Background Subtraction (6) Conclusions
: Physics Motivation [1] Helicity suppressed decay [2] Decay Form of
: left-handed (in SM) : spin 0 [1] Helicity suppressed decay (A) Neutrino mass : implies (B) Neutrino type : Majorana neutrino x2 larger branching ratio. [2] Decay Form of (B) Decay into different neutrino flavors : (A) Sensitive to any hypothetical weakly-interacting neutrals. [3] Cosmological Interests Neutron star cooling model through pion pole mechanism :
Event Detection Strategy
Charged particles from K+ decay at rest Km2 Hermetic photon detection system Kp2 Clean Kp2 selection p0 to invisible final states Prior best limit : (E787)
E949 Detector (1) Barrel Veto (BV) : Pb-scintillator sandwich
E949 detector side view (upper half) E949 detector end view (upper half) (1) Barrel Veto (BV) : Pb-scintillator sandwich (2) Barrel Veto Liner (BVL) : Pb-scintillator sandwich (3) Endcap Calorimeter : CsI crystals
Analysis Strategy Offline Data (Kp2 rich) 1/3 sample 2/3 sample
(1) Kp2 selection p0 sample p0 sample ( ) tuning (2) Find the best photon veto parameters Acceptance Cacc Signal candidate (N)
Kp2 selection and none-Kp2 bkgnd
Real data (2/3 sample) Impurity : ~10-9
Disruption Correction Factor Cdis
Overlapping g,e+/- (from p0) may cause disruption in the p+ track reconstruction. Disruption correction :
(1) Kp2 Tag … Done. (2) Hermetic Photon Veto
Acceptance Measurement Cacc
acceptance loss due to coincident accidentals p+ accidental n n Measure acceptance loss of Km2 decays (real data) by the photon veto, after all m+ activities are removed.
Maximization of the Sensitivity
Photon veto rejects events with : Esum in [T1,T2] > Ethreshold Acceptance Effective p0 rejection (= rej×acc) Final photon veto Real data “1/3 sample” [ Hermetic photon veto ] (1) p0 gg rejection : (2) p0 nn acceptance : Find the best parameters; the largest rejection with the given acceptance.
Opening the Box Real data “2/3 sample” A total of 99 candidates were observed in the signal box Kaon decay time (ns) p+ momentum (MeV/c)
Branching Ratio New upper limit :
2/3 sample Saturation at 3.5x106 1/3 sample Conservative upper limit # signal < 113 (90%CL) subtracting the non-Kp2 bkgnds; New upper limit : A factor of 3 improvement from the previous best result.
p0 gg Background subtraction
Measurement of the detector single photon inefficiency Kp2 w/ one photon missing event Relaxed photon veto (acc = 0.80) Establish a background subtraction method Understand the detector performance
Single Photon Inefficiency
p0 gg detection inefficiency
(1) Single photon inefficiency (2) Photon kinematics PSPI= from MC simulation (N events)
p0 gg background subtraction
Number of candidates with relaxed photon veto Arbitrary 4131 events Singal (90% C.L) : 2259 A factor of 1.8 improvement
Subtraction at various levels of photon veto
Improvement (Before/After) A factor of ~ two improvement at various photon veto
Num of p0 gg backgrounds as a function of cos(qp+)
Signal candidates Single photon inefficiency Signal discrimination capability from backgrounds
Background Subtraction with dip angle distribution
Candidates : sraw = 4131 Best fit value : s = 1977 90 % C.L : s90 = 2449 A factor of 1.7 improvement Ref. w/o subtraction :
Conclusions (1) search was performed with 3.02x109 Kp2 events,
where impurity of 10-9 was achieved. (2) New upper limit of was obtained with a total number of 99 candidates in the signal region; x3 improvement from the previous best limit. Single photon inefficiency was measured with special data p0 gg background subtraction was performed with the inefficiency; (A) x1.8 improvement with simple subtraction (B) x1.7 improvement from cos(qp+) shape discrimination
Thank you !
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