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DNA in the Genomic era.

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1 DNA in the Genomic era

2 Review of Chapter 12 Each group will focus on particular scientists. Take about minutes to review the experiment(s) and conclusion(s) before presenting to the class. Molly & Tulip – Hammerling; Briggs & King Dali & Sarah – Griffith; Avery Gabriel & Cody – Hershey & Chase Tela & Xander - Fraenkel-Conrat Chris & Nathan – Chargaff; Wilkins; Franklin James & Nathalie – Watson & Crick Sam & Griffin– Meselson & Stahl Jacob & Katie – Beadle & Tatum

3 DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a macromolecule in the nucleic acid group. Contains the genetic information for the development and function of an organism

4 Nucleotides Monomers of DNA Each Nucleotide has 3 parts
Phosphate group Sugar (Deoxyribose) Nitrogenous Base

5 Nucleotides (cont) 4 different DNA bases: A, T, C, G Purines: A and G
Pyrimidines: C and T

6 Nucleotide Bonding What type of reaction connects the phosphate group from one nucleotide to the sugar group from another nucleotide? What’s wrong with the diagram?

7 Base Pairing What type of bonds connect the bases? Why is it advantageous to have this type of bond?

8 Genes Gene - section of DNA that contains the information to make a specific protein/ polypeptide. In other words….. A gene is a set of instructions for making a protein Proteins have specific sequences of amino acids Hemoglobin - carries oxygen Actin and myosin - make up muscles Polymerase - replicates DNA

9 Gene Expression Steps to Gene Expression
What is transcription? What is translation? Process by which a cell uses genetic information Not all genes are expressed all the time Ex. Hemoglobin gene is expressed in red blood cells but not in nerve cells

10 Transcription Process of converting the DNA code into an RNA code
Why….? DNA is stuck in the nucleus RNA carries the message to the ribosomes

11 RNA Ribonucleic acid Almost structurally identical to DNA 3 types
Ribose sugar rather than deoxyribose Single strand rather than double strand (mostly!) 3 types Messenger RNA (mRNA) Transfer RNA (tRNA) Ribosomal RNA (rRNA)

12 RNA (cont) 4 RNA nucleotides. Base Pairing still occurs Guanine (G)
Cytosine (C ) Adenine (A) Uracil (U) - replaces thymine Base Pairing still occurs G to C A to U

13 Transcription Very similar to DNA replication except a single strand of mRNA is produced. RNA polymerase - enzyme responsible for connecting RNA bases together DNA message is “transcribed” to mRNA

14 Introns and Exons Introns - sections of mRNA transcripts that are removed before translation begins Exons - sections of mRNA that is kept.

15 Translation Process of converting the mRNA code into a specific sequence of amino acids Also called, Protein synthesis Ribosomes - cellular structures that “read” the mRNA code tRNA - molecules that carry amino acids to the ribosomes

16 The Genetic Code Three mRNA bases identify each amino acid.
Ex. AUG equals the amino acid methionine Codon - name for each three mRNA nucleotide sequence


18 2nd codon letter 1st codon letter 20 different Amino Acid 3rd codon letter

19 Central Dogma of Biology
Genotype: DNA Messenger: mRNA Phenotype: Protein Transcription Translation (Protein synthesis) regulation Replication Trait

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