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Lesson 2 Europeans in India and Southeast Asia

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1 Lesson 2 Europeans in India and Southeast Asia

2 1500-Pedro Alvarez Cabral set out for India to purchase spices (highly prized by Europeans)
Trip included the first landing in the area that is now Southeastern Brazil (claimed for Portugal) When he arrived in India, trade efforts went slowly and even resulted in an armed conflict. But he did set up a trading post there I. Portugal in India

3 D. After this first trip, Portugal sent more ships to trade and they also sent troops. The troops were able to gain control of trade centers on the east coast of Africa and the west coast of India E Afonso de Albuquerque and troops were sent to the Moluccas(Spice Islands) to gain control (cloves) F. Portugal now had control of trade in the East-but it was limited mainly to trade.(control of little territory)

4 II. Challengers to Portugal
The Dutch (Netherlands) would challenge Portugal’s role in the East. The Dutch had grown in economic and military power in Europe (1500’s) 1500’s –they wanted to control Portugal’s trading posts in the east and were able to do so 1602-Dutch East India Company was founded and the Dutch government gave them a monopoly on Asian trade

5 Monopoly-complete control of the trade in a market or of a product
Their base of operations was in Indonesia and they established new posts and relationships. Had own army to seize land and people

6 D. English in Asia 1600- England established The East India Company to lead the way to create Asian trade for England First, they competed for trade in the East Indies then they focused on India The English drove the Dutch out and then expanded their trade operation. All through the 1600’s, the English enjoyed great success

7 4. As the leading government of India (Mughals) began to lose power, many groups were trying to gain power (including the English and the French) 5. Mid 1700’s, the English emerged as the leading power in India. England would lead for the next 100 years and make India a colony by the mid 1800’s

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