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How To Sweet Talk Her Phillip Weese Keith Wilkerson Nick Weeks

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Presentation on theme: "How To Sweet Talk Her Phillip Weese Keith Wilkerson Nick Weeks"— Presentation transcript:

1 How To Sweet Talk Her Phillip Weese Keith Wilkerson Nick Weeks
Dustin Woods Samantha Ludwig

2 What she would love to hear…
“You look amazing.” “How was your day?” “I’m really having a great time with you.” “What do you think about such-and-such topic?” “I’d love to see you again.”

3 Things she would hate to hear…
“You’ve really got a great body. Do you work out or something? “Oh, I know all about that!” “So I’ve been shopping for a new BMW...” “Wanna come up to my place for a nightcap?” “I’ll call you.”

4 Things men love to hear…
“Then what happened?” “That’s pretty impressive.” “Thank you.” “What do you do when you’re not at work?” “I’d like to get your opinion on something.”

5 Things men hate to hear…
“My last boyfriend…” “Do you mind if I take this call?” “So how do you feel about abortion?” “And then I found this cute pair of sandals…” “How do you feel about having a family?”

6 Questions?

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