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The Future of Content in an Online World

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Presentation on theme: "The Future of Content in an Online World"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Future of Content in an Online World
Presented by Arnie Kuenn

2 My Background Internet marketing for about 12 years
Formed Vertical Measures about 5 years ago We are an Internet marketing company based here in Phoenix We have 80+ clients from all around the world where we conduct SEO, link building, content & social media marketing Twitter: @ArnieK #Cronkite

3 Before We Begin My Approach Going to move pretty quickly
Journalists need to think “digital” Journalists & writers ARE needed What businesses should do Going to move pretty quickly Feel free to stop me and ask questions Twitter: @ArnieK #Cronkite

4 SEO and Journalism People consume content differently than they used to through a newspaper. Good journalism is not mutually exclusive with SEO. SEO is a tool to make sure the best stories get noticed…SEO increases visibility where users are looking. It has been proven over and over again that the best journalism tends to get the best page views. Twitter: @ArnieK #Cronkite

5 Why Be Concerned About Search?
The #1 position will get clicked 43% of the time! Source: Did-it, Enquiro, and Eyetools. Twitter: @ArnieK #Cronkite

6 How Does Search Work? Bot or Spider Twitter: @ArnieK #Cronkite

7 What We Tell Businesses
When someone searches online, there are only two possible outcomes: They will find your content. They will find your competitors. Content IS the new marketing. Storytelling has gained the advantage online. If you have a website you ARE a publisher. Twitter: @ArnieK #Cronkite

8 The Numbers Don’t Lie Content is, in fact, the next big thing
Here’s a look at Google search returns for “social media” over the past few years:  2005: 9,150,000 2006: 41,600,000 2007: 165,000,000 2008: 359,000,000 2009: 1,230,000,000   And here’s a look at Google search returns for “content strategy": 2006: 5,930,000 2007: 8,340,000 2008: 137,000,000 2009: 337,000,000 Kristina Halvorson on February 25th, 2010 Twitter: @ArnieK #Cronkite

9 The New Marketing You are at the forefront of a digital content revolution. Businesses are just now beginning to understand that, along with the products & services, one of their core products IS information. They need to: Provide content that gives solutions to some of the toughest problems their customers are facing. Position themselves as the trusted solutions providers for their industry and help people spread the word! Have customers rely on them for their expertise as they become the trusted solution in their industry. So they begin as a source of information…. and continue on as the source of products & services. Twitter: @ArnieK #Cronkite

10 Steps to Creating Content
Perform Keyword and Market Research Identify Types of Content to be Created Identify Where the Content will be Placed Brainstorm for Powerful Ideas Develop a Plan for Promoting the Content Create Great Content… continuously Twitter: @ArnieK #Cronkite

11 #1 Keyword and Market Research
Keyword research should be the foundation Market research helps you understand your target in both search and social. Check trending topics on Twitter, Yahoo and MSN Look at answer sites like Yahoo Answers, FB or LI to figure out what people are asking about in your industry Check sites like Digg, StumbleUpon, Reddit and Mixx. What are your competitors doing that is working? Your content MUST pass the keyword or engagement test. Twitter: @ArnieK #Cronkite

12 #2 Identify Types of Content to be Created
Your research determines what types of content your audience prefers and consumes. Blogs Case Studies Community Forums Contests eBooks     eNewsletters Infographics Interviews Online Quizzes Podcasts Videos  Webcasts/Webinars White Papers Twitter: @ArnieK #Cronkite

13 #3 Identify Where the Content will be Placed
On a Blog? RSS feeds? Social accounts? News or PR sites? Sites for Videos, Images, Slides, PR, etc? Web pages for Videos, Images, Slides, PR? Will you have content to download? Twitter: @ArnieK #Cronkite

14 #4 Brainstorm for Powerful Ideas
Highest Viral Potential Easiest to Share Drive User Generated Content (UGC)? Add real value to the reader Unique Informative Entertaining Relevant Consumers need content that makes them smarter and more knowledgeable. Businesses that provide that content will win. Twitter: @ArnieK #Cronkite

15 #5 Develop a Plan for Promoting the Content
Social Media is a critical aspect of online publishing. Getting this part right can be the difference between success and failure.  The rewards of social success of content are immense, but doing it poorly can also do real damage.  Understand who your customer is and where they are online. Develop consistent, relevant content in multiple channels. Twitter: @ArnieK #Cronkite

16 #5 (cont.) Leveraging Social Media
Let go of all control. Let your ideas spread. Content becomes available to readers any time and any place. People share your ideas, link to your content. Content is found through social media and search engines – so optimize it! Real-time (Twitter & Facebook) Social news (Digg, Reddit, Delicious) Twitter: @ArnieK #Cronkite

17 #6 Create Great Content Twitter: @ArnieK #Cronkite

18 Must Have a Company Blog
Company Blogs: Gives you a vehicle to post new content Allows for internal linking Keeps the search engines coming back – have 434% more indexed pages Have 2X as many backlinks Your site gets 55% more traffic Twitter: @ArnieK #Cronkite

19 Content Examples We get asked all the time…
What content should I create? What should I put on my blog? What is working to attract readers and visitors? Twitter: @ArnieK #Cronkite

20 Lists – People Still Love Them
Twitter: @ArnieK #Cronkite

21 Interviews – Makes You the Expert
Twitter: @ArnieK #Cronkite

22 Image Posts – Fast & Easy
Twitter: @ArnieK #Cronkite

23 Videos – Not as Hard as You Think
Twitter: @ArnieK #Cronkite

24 Different Ways to get on Page 1
Articles Blog posts Images Location based News Social media Videos Twitter: @ArnieK #Cronkite

25 Must Optimize Your Content (in order of importance)
Links - internal & external Title tag (viewed in results) Image Alt text H1 tag Description meta tag (viewed in results) URL structure Page load times Twitter: @ArnieK #Cronkite

26 Search Optimization Elements
Title tag URL H1 tag Content Meta Description Award winning SEO Link Building Services. Vertical Measures is a reputable, USA Internet marketing company helping businesses get more website traffic thru higher search engine rankings, link building, social media, local search, and search engine optimization. Twitter: @ArnieK #Cronkite

27 Why SEO Won’t Kill Journalism
The concern that audience tracking, writing for Google, and SEO will somehow destroy the ability of news organizations to keep news judgment apart from audience demands is misplaced. Instead, being more attentive to audience demands may actually be the best thing that news organizations can do to remain relevant and vital sources of news. Twitter: @ArnieK #Cronkite

28 Additional Resources Vertical Measures Intern Program
SEO Educational Videos: Online Marketing & Related Webinars: Articles Twitter: @ArnieK #Cronkite

29 Tomorrow at 6:00pm, Scottsdale Hilton Danny Sullivan $25 for Students
Journalist, now Search Marketing Guru $25 for Students Learn more at Membership is free for Students November 16th is a local Media Event Twitter: @ArnieK #Cronkite

30 Thank You! Q & A

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