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Cards 17-20 PARENTS OF JOHN THE BAPTIST Some time before Jesus was Born, there lived an old priest of the temple named Zechariah. His wife was named Elizabeth and she was related to Mary, Jesus’ mother. Both were good people, obeying God’s laws, but they did not have any children and would have liked one very much. They had prayed for a child, but felt they were now too old. Once a year Zechariah had to go to the temple at Jerusalem for two weeks to carry out his special duties as a priest. As Zechariah was doing his turn of duty, he suddenly looked up and saw an angel at the right-hand side of the altar. He was alarmed and afraid at this strange sight. “Don’t be afraid, Zechariah,” said the angel. “God has heard your prayers and you and Elizabeth will have a son. You will name him John and he will be a great man in God’s sight, filled with the Holy Spirit. He will prepare the way for the coming of the Lord.” “But I am an old man,” said Zechariah, “and my wife is old too. How can I know that what you say is so?” “I am Gabriel,” the angel answered, “I stand in God’s presence, and it is He who has sent me to bring you this good news. However, since you have not believed me you will remain dumb, unable to speak, until the day when these things which God has promised come true.” Meanwhile, the people were waiting outside for Zechariah to come out of the temple, and they were wondering why he took so long. When at last he did come out, he was unable to speak and to give the people his priestly blessing; he could only make signs to them, and so they realized that something had happened to him in the temple. In due time, Elizabeth had a baby boy, just as God had promised through the angel. The time came for the baby to be given his name. Everyone thought he would be called Zechariah after his father, and they were very surprised when Elizabeth shook her head and said, “No, he is going to be named John.” Then they made signs to Zechariah, who was still dumb, asking him what he would like the baby to be called. He asked for a writing tablet and, when it brought to him, he wrote on it, “His name is John.” Immediately he found he was dumb no longer and could speak again. Video link click here: ttps://

A. Adam and Eve B. Zachariah and Elizabeth C. Mary and Joseph Zachariah was an old p____________of the temple? He and Elizabeth were related to M____________? They had prayed for a child? True or False What did Zachariah see in the temple? What did the angel tell him? Did Zachariah believe the angel? Because he did not believe what happened to him? When the time came to name the baby what did Zachariah ask for? What did he write on the it? What happened to him after he wrote “His name is John”?

3 FORERUNNER OF JESUS All he had to eat were the foods he could gather, locust pods and wild honey. He made his own clothing from camel’s hair, as the prophet Elijah of old had done. It was not an easy life, but the Lord gave John an important message. The young man began preaching, and many people went out to the desert to hear him. JOHN THE BAPTIST John the Baptist was Jesus’ cousin, the son of Elizabeth and Zechariah. Before the time he was born, his parents knew he had been chosen by God for a special job. When he grew up, John went to live by himself in the wilderness, to listen for God’s words. Video Link Click Here:

HEAVEN IS AT HAND - BAPTISM FOR THE REMISSION OF SINS When people heard John the Baptist preach, many thought he was the Messiah who would save Israel. But John told them he was only a messenger who announced the coming of someone much greater. “My job is to baptize you with water.” John said. “But God is sending someone who will baptize with the Holy Spirit. He will save those people who are like good grain, but he will destroy those who are trash in the grain.” “Repent!” John told them. “Change your hearts and lives, for the kingdom of heaven is coming soon! Turn away from the wrong things you do and be baptized. Let God cleanse you of your sins.” Video Link Click Here:

5 JESUS BAPTIZED TO So John baptized Jesus in the Jordan River.
In being baptized, Jesus showed that He was ready to do His Father’s work. As He came up out of the water, the sky above opened. Jesus saw the Holy Spirit coming down in the form of a dove. The dove rested on Jesus’ head, and a voice from heaven said, “This is My Son in Whom I am well pleased.” FULFILL ALL RIGHTEOUSNESS One day, Jesus came out to the wilderness to be baptized. John stared into His face. “Lord, who do You come to me? I should be baptized by You!” But Jesus answered, “Let us do this, Joh, to be right in all things.” Video Link Click Here:

6 FORERUNNER OF JESUS A. Abraham B. Peter C. John the Baptist
John the Baptist was whose cousin? He was the son of who? Was he chosen by God for a special job? Where did he live? What did he eat? What was his clothes made of? Many people went out to the desert to hear him? True or False


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