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Undulator Cost & Schedule Patric Den Hartog, ANL April 24, 2002

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1 Undulator Cost & Schedule Patric Den Hartog, ANL April 24, 2002
Undulator WBS Costing Methodology Costing Highlights Undulator Systems Schedule Cost Rollup LCLS DOE Review, April 24, 2002 Patric Den Hartog, ANL

2 Undulator Systems WBS 1.2.3 Undulator Systems WBS 1.2.3
LCLS DOE Review, April 24, 2002 Patric Den Hartog, ANL

3 Undulator Systems Layout
Entrance transition 11 cells 3 3.4 m undulators Magnetic structure and movers Vacuum chamber 2 short breaks Electron beam diagnostics Focusing and steering 1 long break X-ray diagnostics Exit transition LCLS DOE Review, April 24, 2002 Patric Den Hartog, ANL

4 1.2.3 Undulator Systems Undulator systems PED
Undulator mechanical Undulator vacuum Undulator diagnostics Undulator power supplies Undulator electromagnets Undulator controls Undulator PPS Undulator magnetic measurement facility LCLS DOE Review, April 24, 2002 Patric Den Hartog, ANL

5 Costing Methodology Costs estimated by cognizant engineers/scientists
Ordinal List of components developed from CDR Costs based on experience with similar systems Undulator costs estimated two ways Based on previous procurements of similar devices Based on cost of LCLS prototype Contingency Assigned on the basis of the completeness of the design, comparison with recent comparable components, and knowledge of catalog prices where available WBS does not include installation LCLS DOE Review, April 24, 2002 Patric Den Hartog, ANL

6 Undulator System PED Design and prototype systems
Assembly and installation procedures Prepare bid packages In particular--- Undulator mechanical system PED 2nd undulator prototype re-using permanent magnets Undulator vacuum chamber prototyping including short and long breaks Protoype short and long breaks with diagnostics High speed CCD imaging software LCLS DOE Review, April 24, 2002 Patric Den Hartog, ANL

7 Undulator Mechanical Undulator module
33 undulators Dominates cost of WBS 1.2.3 High precision movers for alignment 33 PM quads and positioners Undulator supports LCLS DOE Review, April 24, 2002 Patric Den Hartog, ANL

8 Basis of undulator cost estimate
Two methods compared Cost estimate based on cost of similar devices Multiply by ratio for length Accounts for additional poles and magnets Adjust for elements that are clearly more expensive Titanium strongback and machining Estimate setup cost for vendor for magnetic measurements 472 K$/3.4 meter segment Cost estimate based on prototype cost Add up cost of components Estimate labor for assembly and magnetic measurements Add in factor for profit and overhead (x2) 474 K$/3.4 meter segment Too close to be believed! LCLS DOE Review, April 24, 2002 Patric Den Hartog, ANL

9 Undulator Vacuum Vacuum chamber through undulator
Demanding tolerances on wall outgassing and smoothness Prototyping required (in ) Difficult engineering to fit focusing, steering , and diagnostics into breaks and maintain smooth transitions Many standard components are catalog items LCLS DOE Review, April 24, 2002 Patric Den Hartog, ANL

10 Undulator Diagnostics
Wire scanner Pulsed current monitor RFBPM Cerenkov detector Alignment laser OTR diagnostics X-ray diagnostics LCLS DOE Review, April 24, 2002 Patric Den Hartog, ANL

11 Undulator Power Supplies
Power supplies for the 35 vertical and 35 horizontal correctors Standard tolerances LCLS DOE Review, April 24, 2002 Patric Den Hartog, ANL

12 Undulator Electromagnets
35 horizontal and 35 vertical correctors Cost based on engineering estimates of similar magnets Risk based on difficult space constraints LCLS DOE Review, April 24, 2002 Patric Den Hartog, ANL

13 Undulator Controls Controls based on familiar EPICS platform
Vacuum controls Motor controls Diagnostic controls Power supply controls EPICS hardware LCLS DOE Review, April 24, 2002 Patric Den Hartog, ANL

14 Undulator Measurement System
Costs based on system in use at APS 5.5 m granite bench with precision linear encoder Motion system for Hall probes and coils Instrumentation Pulsed wire system Assembly and shipment to SLAC Computer system Installation supervision LCLS DOE Review, April 24, 2002 Patric Den Hartog, ANL

15 Undulator System Schedule
LCLS DOE Review, April 24, 2002 Patric Den Hartog, ANL

16 Undulator Procurement Plan
Undulator delivery is critical path for project completion 3 yr construction schedule for 33 undulators is a challenge Permanent magnets, poles, and Ti strongback are long-lead time delivery If undulators are bid in year 2 so that award can be made as soon as construction funds are available, up to six months can be saved The required delivery rate may also be reduced through the use of a “Multiple Procurement Option” LCLS DOE Review, April 24, 2002 Patric Den Hartog, ANL

17 Undulator Schedule - Single Procurement Option
LCLS DOE Review, April 24, 2002 Patric Den Hartog, ANL

18 Undulator Schedule -Multiple Procurement Option
LCLS DOE Review, April 24, 2002 Patric Den Hartog, ANL

19 1.2.3 Undulator Cost Estimate (FY02 Dollars, Thousands)
Name PED Construction Contingency Total % Contingency 1.2.3 Undulator $ 7,124 $ 31,994 $ 10,831 $ 49,948 28% $ 2,390 $ 9,514 34% Mechanical $ 21,484 $ 5,429 $ 26,914 25% Vacuum $ 2,010 $ $ 2,678 33% Diagnostics $ 4,559 $ 1,193 $ 5,752 26% Power Conversion $ $ $ Magnets $ $ $ Controls $ 2,626 $ $ 3,339 27% PPS $ $ $ 36% LCLS DOE Review, April 24, 2002 Patric Den Hartog, ANL

20 Undulator Mechanical (FY02 Dollars, Thousands)
Name PED Construction Contingency Total Undulator Mechanical $ ,484 $ 5,429 $ 26,914 Undulator Module $ ,725 $ 4,931 $ 24,656 Undulator Quadrupole $ ,052 $ $ 1,408 Undulator Hardware Supports $ $ $ LCLS DOE Review, April 24, 2002 Patric Den Hartog, ANL

21 Undulator Vacuum (FY02 Dollars, Thousands)
Name PED Construction Contingency Total Undulator Vacuum $ 2,010 - $ $ 2,678 Undulator Vacuum Valve $ $ $ Undulator Pump $ $ $ Undulator Vacuum Gauge $ $ $ Undulator Vacuum Pipe $ $ $ Inter-Undulator Chamber $ $ $ 1,307 Vac,. Plumbing, Flanges, Gaskets, Hardware $ $ $ LCLS DOE Review, April 24, 2002 Patric Den Hartog, ANL

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