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How To Recognize a Hazardous Waste Even If Its Wearing Glasses

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1 How To Recognize a Hazardous Waste Even If Its Wearing Glasses

2 Classification of Hazardous Wastes
Solid Wastes Hazardous Waste Definition Used Oil Other Waste Characterization Principles Used, Reused, Reclaimed, Recycled Delisting

3 Classification of Hazardous Wastes
Solid Wastes: can be a solid liquid or gas a material must first be a solid waste before it can be classified a hazardous waste A material that has been abondoned through disposal, burning, storage, or treatment, or recycled (including use, reuse, reclamation)

4 Classification of Hazardous Wastes
First step. Is it specifically exempted? Not a solid waste: untreated sanitary sewage going to POTW Point Source Discharge Permits (lagoon too) irrigation return flows There are other very specific exemptions: nuclear wastes pulping liquors mining wastes

5 Classification of Hazardous Wastes
Solid Wastes that are not hazardous wastes: Household wastes Ag waste if used as fertilizer Mining spoils return to mine Wastes from exploration, development or production of crude oil, gas, geothermal Cement Kiln wastes Leather Industry, Trivalent Chromium Process

6 Classification of Hazardous Wastes
Some Hazardous Solid Wastes are regulated by other laws: Asbestos - CAA/NESHAP PCBs above 50ppm - TSCA Only Two ways a solid waste can be a hazardous waste: the waste is specifically listed as hazardous the waste ails a characteristic test

7 Classification of Hazardous Wastes
Listed Hazardous Wastes: EPA has authority to generally lists wastes it believes are hazardous The waste may be delisted if you can prove that it meets delisting criteria Delisting is granted by specific material, process and address. Delisting will be covered later

8 Classification of Hazardous Wastes
EPA lists wastes based on three categories: Exhibits a hazardous characteristic ignitibility, reactivity, corrosivity, toxicity Acutely hazardous fatal to humans at low doses Toxic If it contains certain hazardous constituents. Listing is accompanied by a hazard code I, C, R, E, H, T

9 Classification of Hazardous Wastes
There are three lists of hazardous wastes Non Specific Source Wastes Specific Source Wastes Discarded Commercial Chemical Products Broad, General Groupings (F series) Spent Solvents Electroplating/Metal Finishing Other Non Specific

10 Classification of Hazardous Wastes
Specific Source Wastes Wastes from certain industries that EPA has defined as hazardous K series wastes wood preservation, organic chemicals, coking pesticides, explosives, ink formulation, etc Discarded Comm. Products (U/P series) Listed in (e)(f), (very narrow) or its sole active ingredient is listed here, and this material is discarded for any reason.

11 Classification of Hazardous Wastes
Hazardous Waste Characteristics Ignitability Corrosivity Reactivity Toxicity

12 Classification of Hazardous Wastes
Ignitability Applies to any physical state Most common is Liquids (fp <140F) Excludes Aqueous Alcohol if <24% Other ignitable wastes include: DOT oxidizers Spontaneously Combustible DOT flammable compressed gases Assigned EPA HW# D0001

13 Classification of Hazardous Wastes
Corrosivity Applies only to Liquids If unsure about physical state do a paint filter liquids test pH is greater than 12.5 or less than 2.0 or it corrodes steel at 6.35 mm/year Assigned EP # D0002

14 Classification of Hazardous Wastes
Reactivity (D0003) The most Nebulous characteristic No repeatable, sound test method Meant to identify wastes that have the potential to explode or release toxic gases during the waste management process The determination is based ultimately on the your knowledge of your waste and a regulatory interpretation.

15 Classification of Hazardous Wastes
The regulatory language normally unstable, undergoes violent change reacts violently with water forms explosive mixtures with water explosive if heated under confinement detonates, explosive decomposition, or reaction at standard T and P is a DOT forbidden, A, or B, explosive cyanide and sulfide available for release

16 Classification of Hazardous Wastes
Toxicity Characteristic (TC) The TC is based on the results of the TCLP. Extraction by DI water and acetic acid 8 heavy metals, 4 insecticides, 2 herbicides, and 25 other organic compounds Extraction in analyzed to determine if any of these 39 compounds exceed their MCL Assigned EPA# D0004-D043

17 Classification of Hazardous Wastes
TC Exemptions If the waste contains PCB that meets the TSCA Wastes that meet the MCL for Chromium if waste not otherwise listed and < other MCLs waste and process is trivalent chromium waste is managed in non oxidizing environments TCLP Shortcut (if waste contains less than 20 times MCL of a contaminant, the dilution extraction CAN NOT exceed the MCL

18 Classification of Hazardous Wastes
Other Classification Rules: non-listed wastes carry the EPA#’s for each of the characteristics it exhibits listed wastes that also meet a characteristic code, are classified by all codes, but a listed waste does not carry the waste number for the characteristics it was listed for Samples sent for analysis are not classed as Hazardous Wastes if they are packaged to prevent leaks and vaporization

19 Classification of Hazardous Wastes
Used Oil (six questions): Is it used oil (crude or synthetic used as oil) Is the used oil mixed with a HazWaste Does the oil contain >1000ppm halogens Is it used oil fuel Is it a hazardous waste fuel Is the used oil fuel, specification used oil fuel Ar, Cd, Cr, Pb, FP>100F, Halogen <4000ppm

20 Classification of Hazardous Wastes
Empty Containers all material commonly possible removed, and no more than iI” residue on the bottom, or residue is less than 3% by weight <110G residue is less than 0.3% by weight >110G Unless the drum contained an acute hazardous material or H series waste, then removed lining or triple rinsed.

21 Classification of Hazardous Wastes
Mixture Rule a characteristic waste mixed with a solid waste is a hazardous waste if it exhibits a characteristic a listed waste mixed with a solid waste is always a hazardous waste, unless the listed waste is listed only because of a characteristic and the mixture exhibits a characteristic.

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