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Introduction to Gender Studies

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1 Introduction to Gender Studies
Language and Gender

2 Women as a social group members of the group live near each other in a recognised neighbourhood or they have recognised meeting places; they have a recognisable and distinctive subculture; members of the group acknowledge the existence of the group: belonging to the group is part of their identity (cf. Coates 7)

3 Theory: Language and Gender
Robin Lakoff: Language and Woman’s Place Dale Spender: Man Made Language Maria Black and Rosalind Coward: language: not inherently sexist

TYPICAL RANGE USED 100–150 Hz 200–300 Hz AVERAGE 120 Hz 225 Hz 265 Hz

5 Lexicology Women’s „ephemeral vocabulary” Innovation Androcentric rule
Speech – silence Interest areas “Gossip” vs discussion Naming “man” Taboo language/swearing Semantic derogation of women

6 Gendered pairs of words
Male Female courtier courtesan master mistress host hostess governor governess adventurer adventuress sir madam bachelor spinster lord lady king queen priest priestess poet poetess god goddess

7 Syntax and discourse Set phrases Generic “he”
Hedges, tag questions, questions Turn-taking

8 Turn-taking: same-sex conversations
1st speaker 2nd speaker Total overlaps 12 10 22 interruptions 3 4 7 15 14 29

9 Turn-taking: mixed-sex conversations
Male speaker Female speaker Total overlaps 9 interruption 46 2 48 55 57

10 Thank you for your attention!

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