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Logical Entities Date: Authors: September 2010

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1 802.19.1 Logical Entities Date: 2010-09-15 Authors: September 2010
Notice: This document has been prepared to assist IEEE It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE Patent Policy and Procedures: The contributor is familiar with the IEEE 802 Patent Policy and Procedures <>, including the statement "IEEE standards may include the known use of patent(s), including patent applications, provided the IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder or applicant with respect to patents essential for compliance with both mandatory and optional portions of the standard." Early disclosure to the TAG of patent information that might be relevant to the standard is essential to reduce the possibility for delays in the development process and increase the likelihood that the draft publication will be approved for publication. Please notify the Chair as early as possible, in written or electronic form, if patented technology (or technology under patent application) might be incorporated into a draft standard being developed within the IEEE TAG. If you have questions, contact the IEEE Patent Committee Administrator at Hyunduk Kang, et al, ETRI

2 Contents Introduction Coexistence Manager Coexistence Enabler
September 2010 Contents Introduction Coexistence Manager Coexistence Enabler Coexistence Discovery and Information Server Hyunduk Kang, et al, ETRI

3 September 2010 Introduction (1/4) system architecture consists of three logical entities and six logical interfaces system architecture Hyunduk Kang, et al, ETRI

4 Introduction (2/4) Coexistence Manager is responsible for
September 2010 Introduction (2/4) Coexistence Manager is responsible for coexistence decision making generating and providing corresponding coexistence requests/commands and control information to coexistence enablers discovering/communicating with other neighbor coexistence managers to collaborate with them assisting network operators in management related to TVWS coexistence and etc. Hyunduk Kang, et al, ETRI

5 Introduction (3/4) Coexistence Enabler is responsible for
September 2010 Introduction (3/4) Coexistence Enabler is responsible for enabling communication between coexistence manager and TVBD network or device requesting/obtaining information required for coexistence from TVBD network or device translating reconfiguration requests/commands and control information received from the coexistence manager into TVBD-specific reconfiguration requests/commands and etc. Hyunduk Kang, et al, ETRI

6 September 2010 Introduction (4/4) Coexistence Discover and Information Server is responsible for discovering other coexistence managers, opening interfaces between coexistence managers to provide coexistence related information exchange among coexistence managers collecting/aggregating coexistence related information from multiple coexistence managers, communicating with the TVWS database to obtain information on incumbents and etc. Hyunduk Kang, et al, ETRI

7 CM: Key functions Maintaining channel availability information
September 2010 CM: Key functions Maintaining channel availability information Channel classification and selection Association control for CE Channel management Discovering other CMs Maintaining context information required for coexistence among CMs Assisting network operators in management related to TVWS coexistence Accessing the TVWS database Coexistence decision making Hyunduk Kang, et al, ETRI

8 CM: Maintaining channel availability information (1/2)
September 2010 CM: Maintaining channel availability information (1/2) CM shall maintain the status of the TV channels available for TVBD operation at its location according to the policies and rules established by regulation. obtain information on the TV channel status with respect to the presence of incumbents and other neighbor CMs in its location use this information as input for its decision for channel selection, channel management, coexistence decision making, and etc. Hyunduk Kang, et al, ETRI

9 CM: Maintaining channel availability information (2/2)
September 2010 CM: Maintaining channel availability information (2/2) To maintain the status of the channels available for TVBD operation, the CM shall be able to collect and fuse information from the following sources: TVWS database CDIS Neighbor CMs Spectrum sensing report from CE The channel availability information shall be defined during the initialization of CM periodically updated during the operation of CM Hyunduk Kang, et al, ETRI

10 CM: Channel classification and selection (1/13)
September 2010 CM: Channel classification and selection (1/13) In order to start operation of TVBD networks or devices, CM shall select and assign a proper operating channel for TVBD to mitigate coexistence problems among TVBD networks or devices. A proper operating channel shall be selected from one of allowed channels. Allowed channels that may be used by TVBD networks or devices at their location shall be given by TVWS database. Hyunduk Kang, et al, ETRI

11 CM: Channel classification and selection (2/13)
September 2010 CM: Channel classification and selection (2/13) Status of given allowed channels will be dynamically changed based on incumbent activities, activities of other TVBD networks or devices, relocation of TVBDs, etc. To facilitate coexistence between TVBD networks or devices, CM shall know status of TV channels at a given location such as: Which channel is available for TVBDs or networks Which channel is disallowed by regulation, or by the request of incumbents Which channel should be protected due to current incumbent activity Which channel should be restricted with limitations in order to use by TVBDs or networks Which channel is already being used by other TVBDs or networks Etc. Hyunduk Kang, et al, ETRI

12 CM: Channel classification and selection (3/13)
September 2010 CM: Channel classification and selection (3/13) TV Channels for logical entities are classified as the following 8 channels; Disallowed channels Allowed channels Available channels Protected channels Restricted channels Unclassified channels Operating channels Coexistent channels Hyunduk Kang, et al, ETRI

13 CM: Channel classification and selection (4/13)
September 2010 CM: Channel classification and selection (4/13) Disallowed set A set of channels disallowed for any TVBDs or networks by regulation, or by the request of incumbents Should be provided by TVWS database and will be updated if necessary Allowed set A set of channels allowed for TVBDs or networks Slide 13 Hyunduk Kang et al, ETRI

14 CM: Channel classification and selection (5/13)
September 2010 CM: Channel classification and selection (5/13) Available set A set of free channels available for TVBDs or networks Restricted set A set of channels restricted to use with limitations due to regulation Can be used by TVBDs or networks under limited conditions predefined by regulation Protected set A set of channels to be protected due to incumbent activity Can NOT be used by any TVBDs or networks Unclassified set A set of channels has not been classified as one of listed above three sets Slide 14 Hyunduk Kang et al, ETRI

15 CM: Channel classification and selection (6/13)
September 2010 CM: Channel classification and selection (6/13) Operating set A set of operating channels being used by one TVBD or network Can be selected from available set or restricted set If each TVBD or network has its own operating channel, spectrum etiquette with FDM (frequency division multiplexing) is achievable. Coexistent set A set of channels being shared by two or more TVBD networks If two or more TVBDs or networks compete for the same channel, spectrum etiquette with FDM is NOT achievable. Slide 15 Hyunduk Kang et al, ETRI

16 CM: Channel classification and selection (7/13)
September 2010 CM: Channel classification and selection (7/13) A hierarchical structure of TV channels Allowed channels informed from TVWS database are further classified into the following categories: Available channels Restricted channels Protected channels Unclassified channels Hyunduk Kang, et al, ETRI

17 CM: Channel classification and selection (8/13)
September 2010 CM: Channel classification and selection (8/13) Venn diagram of TV Channels Disallowed set A subset of a TV channel set A complementary set of the allowed set Allowed set A complementary set of the disallowed set Available/Restricted/Protected/Unclassified set A subset of the allowed set Two different channel sets are a complementary set each other Operating set A subset of the available set or the restricted set or union of both A subset of a complementary set of the coexistent set Coexistent set A subset of the operating set Hyunduk Kang, et al, ETRI Hyunduk Kang, ETRI

18 CM: Channel classification and selection (9/13)
September 2010 CM: Channel classification and selection (9/13) Flowchart of channel selection Hyunduk Kang, et al, ETRI

19 CM: Channel classification and selection (10/13)
July 2010 CM: Channel classification and selection (10/13) Channel Set Transition Diagram Slide 19 Hyunduk Kang et al, ETRI

20 CM: Channel classification and selection (11/13)
September 2009 CM: Channel classification and selection (11/13) Channel Set Transition Events Event (1): If the channel already being used by one TVWS system is assigned to other TVWS system(s) so that two or more TVWS systems use the same channel as an operating channel Event (2): If the channel is released by other TVWS systems so that the channel is being used by only one TVWS system Event (3): If the channel is released and not be used by any TVWS systems due to the completion of its usage Event (4): If the channel is assigned to one TVWS system and not shared by any other TVWS systems Event (5): If the channel is assigned to two or more TVWS systems at the same time Event (6): If an incumbent activity has been informed on the channel Hyunduk Kang et al, ETRI

21 CM: Channel classification and selection (12/13)
September 2009 CM: Channel classification and selection (12/13) Channel Set Transition Events Event (7): If the channel temporarily satisfies the condition that requires its usage with limitations due to regulation E.g., in the U.S. if an incumbent activity has been informed on the channel (F), the first adjacent channel (F±1) can be used by only a portable/personal TVBD with limited transmit power, say 100mW EIRP Event (8): If the channel is released by an incumbent due to the completion of its usage Event (9): If the channel is exempted from its temporary restriction and free to use without limitation E.g., in the U.S. if the channel is released by the incumbent on the channel (F) due to the completion of its usage, the first adjacent channel (F±1) can be used by any TVBDs and networks Event (10): If the channel is not occupied by an incumbent or any TVWS systems Event (11): If the channel is not classified or updated within the predefined time expiration Hyunduk Kang et al, ETRI

22 CM: Channel classification and selection (13/13)
September 2010 CM: Channel classification and selection (13/13) Channel Set Transition Matrix Hyunduk Kang, et al, ETRI Hyunduk Kang, ETRI

23 CE: Key functions Accessing device management entity (DME) of TVBD
September 2010 CE: Key functions Accessing device management entity (DME) of TVBD Accessing CM Relaying/Translating context and reconfiguration messages between CM and TVBD Hyunduk Kang, et al, ETRI

24 CDIS: Key functions Maintaining channel availability information
September 2010 CDIS: Key functions Maintaining channel availability information Channel classification Association control for CM Supporting discovery of CMs Maintaining context information required for coexistence among CMs Accessing the TVWS database Hyunduk Kang, et al, ETRI

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