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From 2 Million to 2 How many remained faithful to God through the wilderness journey? 600,000 Men were exited from Egypt. Woman and children = 2 million.

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Presentation on theme: "From 2 Million to 2 How many remained faithful to God through the wilderness journey? 600,000 Men were exited from Egypt. Woman and children = 2 million."— Presentation transcript:


2 From 2 Million to 2 How many remained faithful to God through the wilderness journey? 600,000 Men were exited from Egypt. Woman and children = 2 million How many of those entered the promised land following the Wilderness wandering? Joshua and Caleb

3 Defection From The Truth:
Apostate Israel: Jude 5 Apostate Angels: Jude 6 Apostate Morality: Jude 7

4 Defectors from Belief: - Jude 5
Apostate Israel: Jude 5 Numbers 14: God calls them an ‘evil community.’ (v.27) 2. Israelites complaints: (v.27b; 29) 3. Acts of unfaithfulness: (v.33) 4. Evil community has conspired against God: (v.35) 5. Spreading a bad report: (v.36)

5 Defectors from Belief: - Jude 5 Apostate Israel
Numbers 14:26-38 God calls them an ‘evil community.’ (v.27) Israelites complaints: (v.27b; 29) Acts of unfaithfulness: (v.33) Evil community has conspired against God: (v.35) Spreading a bad report: (v.36)

6 Turning Away From Truth
A. There was the sin of lust. - I Thess 4:4,5 B. There was the sin of idolatry. - C. There was the sin of fornication or immorality. – I Cor 5:9-10 and 6:9 D. There was the sin of tempting God.

7 How to avoid “turning away”
Guard against the sin of lust: Forsake all idolatry, name it: Run from Immorality of all kinds: Resist testing the patience of God:

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