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Rail transport developments Agenda point 7.2
9-10 November 2011 Meeting of the Working Group on Rail Transport Statistics Agenda point 7.2
Meeting of the Working Group on Rail Transport Statistics
Summary Distance classes High speed trains Emissions The way forward 9-10 November 2011 Meeting of the Working Group on Rail Transport Statistics Agenda point 7.2
General introduction Outcome of the Task Force (23. March 2010)
Eurostat presented to the members of the Task Force development proposals for the collection of rail transport statistics. These proposals focused on data by distance classes and data on high-speed trains. In order not to increase the reporting burden, the aim of Eurostat is to base the new data collection on data already collected by the countries for other purposes/institutions or data that used to be collected by the countries. The first proposal suggested the creation of two new datasets (detailed/simplified reporting) containing data by distance class and the second proposal recommended the creation of two new datasets with information on the volume of passenger transport by high-speed trains. Eurostat also consulted the members of the Task Force on the feasibility to collect data on energy consumption/emissions of rail transport. 9-10 November 2011 Meeting of the Working Group on Rail Transport Statistics Agenda point 7.2
Outcome of the Task Force (2)
Distance classes DG MOVE indicated that figures from Annex F of the current Regulation (EC) No 91/2003 could be used to produce data by distance classes, even though no information is available on the type of goods. Modal split by distance classes will be used by DG MOVE to assess results of policies and quinquennial data should be sufficient. The experts agreed that Annex F data (available at NUTS 2 level) could be used only for producing data according to large distance classes (not possible for the class 0-50 kilometres due to the important size of the NUTS 2 regions). However, such data prove to be sufficient, as the most interesting changes over time are likely to take place for the largest distance classes. It should be noted that Annex F data do not include the type of transported goods. 9-10 November 2011 Meeting of the Working Group on Rail Transport Statistics Agenda point 7.2 4
Outcome of the Task Force (3)
Distance classes Conclusion of the Task force Eurostat will investigate the actual data needs by distance class with DG MOVE as well as the availability of such data in the Common Questionnaire. The proposal formulated for the Task Force meeting has been abandoned as such, and the countries will be contacted once the data needs have been clearly defined. 9-10 November 2011 Meeting of the Working Group on Rail Transport Statistics Agenda point 7.2 5
Outcome of the Task Force (4) 2. High speed trains
Analyses made by DG Regional Policy has shown that there is a need for data on high-speed networks with a focus on links between cities comparable to regional air transport statistics (short distance flights). In particularly the segments definition for data collection on high-speed trains should be compatible with the segments already defined for Annex G data. Eurostat reminded the existing European law on data confidentiality and suggested to the Task Force to firstly focus on the variables that could be collected. Confidentiality issues should be discussed at a later stage. 9-10 November 2011 Meeting of the Working Group on Rail Transport Statistics Agenda point 7.2 6
Outcome of the Task Force (5) High speed trains
Conclusion of Task Force The analysis of the outcome of this survey will then be submitted to the ad hoc committee of DG MOVE with the Member States. In the meantime, Eurostat will explore the data available at UIC as well as the data coverage in the Common Questionnaire. 9-10 November 2011 Meeting of the Working Group on Rail Transport Statistics Agenda point 7.2 7
Outcome of the Task Force (6) 3. Emmissions
Eurostat informed the members of the Task Force that a new DG Climate has been created in March 2010: the idea of a new data collection on emissions of rail transport would be to support this new DG by providing basic data on rail traffic (on which the new DG would then elaborate indicators on emissions). Several countries informed that such information was not available in the “transport” section of the statistical offices but rather in the “environmental section”. 9-10 November 2011 Meeting of the Working Group on Rail Transport Statistics Agenda point 7.2 8
Outcome of the Task Force (7) 3. Emmissions
Also a possibility was suggested to derive kilometres travelled by rail transport from the tonne-kilometres and tonnes figures available and to base an estimation of the consumption of rail transport on this average distance. It was precised that although the traction type needed for the calculation of such figures is not provided in the frame of the Regulation, these data (share of diesel/electricity locomotives) could be obtained from UIC. 9-10 November 2011 Meeting of the Working Group on Rail Transport Statistics Agenda point 7.2 9
Meeting of the Working Group on Rail Transport Statistics
4. The way forward Eurostat ask the Member States for the decision to ask the CGST for updating the mandate of the Task Force on rail statistics for solving some methodological problems and further needed developments in rail statistics. In particular the following issues have to be discussed: 9-10 November 2011 Meeting of the Working Group on Rail Transport Statistics Agenda point 7.2 10
4. The way forward (2) 1. Distance classes
The enlargement of the current data collection concerns goods transport statistics by distance classes. This would facilitate the monitoring of the shift between modes. The Transport white paper mentions a target of freight over 300 km should shift to other modes such as rail by The needs for intermodal transport are also described under point 5 " Freight co-modality and logistics performance indicators" of the agenda. 2. High speed trains The Task Force should evaluate the possibility to provide such statistics and should determine existing sources that may be used to provide the related data taking into account the opening of international passenger rail transport market from the beginning of 2010 9-10 November 2011 Meeting of the Working Group on Rail Transport Statistics Agenda point 7.2 11
4. The way forward (3) 3. GHG Emmissions
The Task Force should evaluate the possibility to provide such statistics especially on Diesel locomotives in connection with data of UIC 4. Transit data in passenger transport The Task Force should evaluate the possibility to provide such statistics and should determine existing sources that may be used to provide the related data taking into account the opening of international passenger rail transport market from the beginning of 2010 9-10 November 2011 Meeting of the Working Group on Rail Transport Statistics Agenda point 7.2 12
Thank you for your attention
9-10 November 2011 Meeting of the Working Group on Rail Transport Statistics Agenda point 7.2 13
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