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Can 4G video quality be trusted?

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Presentation on theme: "Can 4G video quality be trusted?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Can 4G video quality be trusted?
Joe Mele VP, Dialogic® Media Labs September, 2009 I will share my opinions and I’m interested in hearing your’s

2 Dialogic® Media Labs Video “center of excellence” inside Dialogic
World-class team of video technologists Advanced video capabilities for Dialogic products Research in video analytics First some background on my team

3 Takeaways from Miami 4G will unleash advanced video applications
Video becomes the new voice Content must be trusted I spoke at the 4GWE conference in Miami back in February Key points.. Enabled by higher bandwidths and all IP Everything that’s video enabled will become voice enabled; video becomes the defacto means for IP communicatons Video content needs to be trusted (quality, authentic, not objectionable…) Focus today on trusted quality….assurance that quality will consistently meet expectations

4 Can 4G video quality be trusted?
Bigger pipes help, but problems remain: Bandwidth fluctuations Compression errors The higher the compression rate, the higher the impact of each lost bit Transcoding only makes things worse Big pipes alone won’t solve the quality issue… Managing video quality is complicated… There are many other factors that need to be considered…

5 What’s needed? Today’s network monitoring approaches are also inadequate… Packet loss, Jitter, Delay... Carriers measure network parameters (Service Assurance) Quality of Service (QoS) Not as simple as lost bits…but it’s where the bits reside in a frame Visual effect of packet loss can range from zero to disastrous More advanced parameters are required Need to analyze the video content What the viewer perceives…not the network Quality of Experience (QoE) Today’s method’s are inadequate…. Different from voice…1% packet loss for voice is tolerable…the loss of a single video packet can cause severe degradation Need to analyze the content….what the user sees

6 What’s being measured? Quality of Service Delay Jitter Packet loss
Quality of Experience Blackout Blurring Freeze Macro-blocking Noise Sync Examples of the types of things being measured…. Different from the traditional parameters that are measured for voice or data…where analyzing the network performance is sufficient

7 Monitoring Video QoE: Demonstration
Note: Score represents average of the past 30 frames Simple demo of analyzing the content Real time analysis of the perceptual video content Not measuring all of the types of parameters shown on earlier slide

8 Use Case Example Example of how video QoE can be monitored in a network environment And can be adjusted in real time * QoE monitoring point

9 Takeaways Video quality will still be an issue in the 4G world
Today’s approaches for measuring video quality are insufficient A different model is required… video quality of experience

10 Joe Mele VP, Dialogic® Media Labs
Thank You! Joe Mele VP, Dialogic® Media Labs

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