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PHEP Work Plan and Budget Synopsis ( )

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1 PHEP Work Plan and Budget Synopsis (2017-2018)
Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) Kansas Health Awareness Network (KS-HAN) Ebola Grants Contract Updates Staffing Update Going to review the most common questions we’ve received about the work plan and review the fund distributions.

2 Regional and Local Work Plans
Local Health Department Representative Participation ESF-8/LEPC Requirement Modified Volunteer Survey PHEP/HCC Exercise Capability Alignment Must test all capabilities listed, but only the designated functions of those capabilities The FOA explicitly states LHDs must participate (page 23). Virtual participation is acceptable. If a meeting is missed we understand stuff happens. Let us know why. No designees because in some areas information is well shared and in others it hasn’t been. Regional Coordinators need to attend to maintain situational awareness. Requirement changed that must participate in ESF8 or LEPC meetings because LHD is not responsible for coordinating these meetings. Parameters will be defined later, but refers to individuals not associated with an organization such as the Red Cross Crosswalk document from ASPR has been distributed to KALHD and Regional Coordinators early last week. It organizes the capabilities to show how they align. In the past KDHE incorrectly allowed selection of capabilities to test instead of testing all capabilities. Now require to test all the listed capabilities, but only specific functions under those capabilities (5 capabilities, 7 functions). Exercise workshop will cover details as we get more clarification. Scheduled for June 2017.

3 Regional and Local Work Plans (continued)
Exercise Training Classes Performance Measure and Benchmark Requirements Public Health Regional Meetings Exercise Questions AAR/IPs we’ve been receiving are not meeting standards. If you have a MEPP send in your training certificate to meet the requirement. Want Regional Coordinators to Review AAR/IPs and provide TA to folks complete them correctly before submitting them to the state. We can’t provide specific information on the Performance Measures and Benchmarks we’ll be looking into because the federal government hasn’t released them yet. Made these optional because requiring participation in HCC meetings which may have additional supporting meetings as membership of HCC increases. Wanted to provide flexibility to schedule. If mandatory meetings are desired we can revise work plan. Developing an FAQ that will be released shortly to answer exercise specific questions.

4 PHEP Fund Distribution*
Total Award $6,274,028 State $3,137,014 KALHD $68,000 Local $3,069,014 Local and Tribal $2,577,972 Regional $491,402 All of these numbers are estimates. The final amounts will depend on the federal budget and the budget proposed by the President cuts HHS’ budget. No indication how this will affect Preparedness funding. As in past years the PHEP money is being split 50/50 between state and locals. Local and tribal amounts consist of an $8000 base with additional funds based on the same population formula used in the past. (Pop figures from estimate on Specific local estimates list is available.

5 Regional Fund Distribution
Northwest BT $36,918 West Central $32,878 North Central $42,977 Central Kansas $30,958 Wildcat $26,010 NE Corner $33,483 Western Pyramid $35,403 SW KS HI $30,858 SW Surveillance $32,373 South Central C. $34,393 KS South-Central Metro $30,655 East Central C. $34,392 SEK Multi-County $28,838 Lower 8 $32,574 KC Area $28,332

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