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Bellwork 12/3/18 In your own words (2-3 sentences), explain how Florence and the Medici family was important in the early stages of the Renaissance. Academic.

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Presentation on theme: "Bellwork 12/3/18 In your own words (2-3 sentences), explain how Florence and the Medici family was important in the early stages of the Renaissance. Academic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellwork 12/3/18 In your own words (2-3 sentences), explain how Florence and the Medici family was important in the early stages of the Renaissance. Academic vocab: patrons of art

2 What am I learning today?
Learning Intention Success Criteria 7.42: Explain humanism, and describe how Thomas Aquinas’s writings influenced humanistic thought and fostered a balance between reason and faith. I can explain humanism. I can describe how Thomas Aquinas’ writings influenced humanistic thought (reason and faith balance).

3 Humanism Introduction

4 Table Group Discussion
Discuss the following vocabulary in your table group: Faith Secular Individualism Humanism Can you make a connection from these words????

5 Go to my website Get a laptop and login.
With a partner, complete the Humanism assignment for 12/4. This is due tomorrow!!!!!! (Yes, it is homework if you do not finish!)

6 Exit Ticket 1. Explain Humanism and how it was reflected in the art of the Renaissance.

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