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Customer Experience Going

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1 Customer Experience Going
BEST IDEA CONTEST NSMotif Bright Idea: 3-2-1 How to Keep the Customer Experience Going Peer to peer group

2 It works like this, each office employee is required to:
We implemented this technique that we learned at John DeJulius’s Secret Service Seminar. This is an excellent way of reconnecting with past clients. We have each employee doing this on a weekly basis and it is tracked in our Stone Profits system. Since implementing about 5 months ago, I have seen reoccurring business come back 10 fold. People are loving that we are remembering them and either want to buy more or need maintenance on what we previously installed. Even the customers that may have had a negative experience we have been able to turn around into a positive experience just by letting them know we haven’t forgotten them. It works like this, each office employee is required to: Send out 3 s to existing clients Send out 2 cards to existing clients. Call one existing client on the phone. Peer to peer group

3 Card example: Hello Mr. Smith,
This is Karen from NSMOTIF, I hope this note finds you doing well. Your family crossed my mind and I thought I would say hello and see how you are doing. I wanted to be sure I expressed how much I enjoyed working with you on your project. Having clients like you is the reason I enjoy doing what we do. I hope you and your family have an opportunity to enjoy this season together. Always at your service, Karen Owner/CEO The key is to schedule executing the either first thing in the morning or just before you leave. Making it a habit and getting your team to make it a habit has been the biggest challenge, but if you keep pushing as the leader and they see you also doing it, habits then are formed. Peer to peer group

4 Peer to peer group

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