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Welcome to Jeopardy!.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Jeopardy!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Jeopardy!

2 Another Presentation © 2002 - All rights Reserved Mark E. Damon

3 Directions: Scroll through the presentation and enter the answers (which are really the questions) and the questions (which are really the answers). Enter in the categories on the main game boards. As you play the game, click on the TEXT DOLLAR AMOUNT that the contestant calls, not the surrounding box. When they have given a question, click again anywhere on the screen to see the correct question. Keep track of which questions have already been picked by printing out the game board screen and checking off as you go. Click on the “Game” box to return to the main scoreboard. Enter the score into the black box on each players podium. Continue until all clues are given. When finished, DO NOT save the game. This will overwrite the program with the scores and data you enter. You MAY save it as a different name, but keep this file untouched!

4 Final Jeopardy Round 1 Round 2

5 Subject 1 Subject 2 Subject 3 Subject 4 Subject 5 Subject 6 Round 2 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 Final Jeopardy $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Scores $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

6 The study of social structure
$100 The study of social structure

7 $100 What is sociology Scores

8 $200 This person believed that within a society you have agreements on values and beliefs and a dependence on family and tradition

9 $200 Who is Emile Durkheim Scores

10 $300 This person believed a classless society works better than capitalistic societies

11 $300 Who is Karl Marx Scores

12 A particular point of view
$400 A particular point of view

13 $400 What is perspective Scores

14 This person is known as the father of Sociology
$500 This person is known as the father of Sociology

15 $500 Who is Auguste Comte Scores

16 $100 This person came up with the concepts of mechanical solidarity and organic solidarity

17 $100 Who is Emile Durkheim Scores

18 “Drug usage goes down, test scores go up” is this type of correlation
$200 “Drug usage goes down, test scores go up” is this type of correlation

19 What is negative correlation
$200 What is negative correlation Scores

20 This person came up with social dynamics and social statics
$300 This person came up with social dynamics and social statics

21 $300 Who is Auguste Comte Scores

22 Daily Double

23 $400 “An increase in study time results in an increase in test scores” is an example of this type of correlation

24 What is positive correlation
$400 What is positive correlation Scores

25 This person coined the term sociology
$500 This person coined the term sociology

26 $500 Who is Auguste Comte Scores

27 $100 This person’s main contribution to sociology was women’s status in society

28 Who is Harriet Martineau
$100 Who is Harriet Martineau Scores

29 A look at how things are related to one another
$200 A look at how things are related to one another

30 $200 What is correlation Scores

31 $300 This type of variable is identified by a membership to a group or category

32 What is qualitative variables
$300 What is qualitative variables Scores

33 Variables that can be measured and given a numerical value
$400 Variables that can be measured and given a numerical value

34 What are quantitative variables
$400 What are quantitative variables Scores

35 This concept states that events occur in predictable nonrandom ways
$500 This concept states that events occur in predictable nonrandom ways

36 $500 What is causation Scores

37 This concept states that events happen for many different reasons
$100 This concept states that events happen for many different reasons

38 What is multiple causation
$100 What is multiple causation Scores

39 This is when a person involves themselves in a group they are studying
$200 This is when a person involves themselves in a group they are studying

40 What is participant observation
$200 What is participant observation Scores

41 When you do research on data that has already been collected
$300 When you do research on data that has already been collected

42 What is secondary analysis
$300 What is secondary analysis Scores

43 A limited number of cases drawn from a larger population
$400 A limited number of cases drawn from a larger population

44 $400 What is a sample Scores

45 In a survey, everyone with characteristics a researcher wants to study
$500 In a survey, everyone with characteristics a researcher wants to study

46 $500 What is population Scores

47 $100 This person believed the rich deserved to be rich and the poor deserved to be poor

48 $100 Who is Herbert Spencer

49 The study of social change
$200 The study of social change

50 What is social dynamics
$200 What is social dynamics Scores

51 The study of social stability and order
$300 The study of social stability and order

52 $300 What is social statics

53 $400 “We need bankers and bankers need customers” is this type of solidarity

54 What is organic solidarity
$400 What is organic solidarity Scores

55 $500 Characteristics such as age, race, gender, etc. that are subject to change

56 $500 What are variables Scores

57 $100 Enter Answer Here for Category 6 - Question 1

58 Enter Question Here for
$100 Enter Question Here for Category 6 - Question 1 Scores

59 $200 Enter Answer Here for Category 6 - Question 2

60 Enter Question Here for
$200 Enter Question Here for Category 6 - Question 2 Scores

61 $300 Enter Answer Here for Category 6 - Question 3

62 Enter Question Here for
$300 Enter Question Here for Category 6 - Question 3 Scores

63 $400 Enter Answer Here for Category 6 - Question 4

64 Enter Question Here for
$400 Enter Question Here for Category 6 - Question 4 Scores

65 $500 Enter Answer Here for Category 6 - Question 5

66 Enter Question Here for
$500 Enter Question Here for Category 6 - Question 5 Scores

67 Subject 1 Subject 2 Subject 3 Subject 4 Subject 5 Subject 6 Round 1 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Final Jeopardy $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 Scores $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000

68 $200 Enter Answer Here for Category 1 - Question 1

69 Enter Question Here for
$200 Enter Question Here for Category 1 - Question 1 Scores

70 $400 Enter Answer Here for Category 1 - Question 2

71 Enter Question Here for
$400 Enter Question Here for Category 1 - Question 2 Scores

72 $600 Enter Answer Here for Category 1 - Question 3

73 Enter Question Here for
$600 Enter Question Here for Category 1 - Question 3 Scores

74 $800 Enter Answer Here for Category 1 - Question 4

75 Enter Question Here for
$800 Enter Question Here for Category 1 - Question 4 Scores

76 $1000 Enter Answer Here for Category 1 - Question 5

77 Enter Question Here for
$1000 Enter Question Here for Category 1 - Question 5 Scores

78 $200 Enter Answer Here for Category 2 - Question 1

79 Enter Question Here for
$200 Enter Question Here for Category 2 - Question 1 Scores

80 Daily Double

81 $400 Enter Answer Here for Category 2 - Question 2

82 Enter Question Here for
$400 Enter Question Here for Category 2 - Question 2 Scores

83 $600 Enter Answer Here for Category 2 - Question 3

84 Enter Question Here for
$600 Enter Question Here for Category 2 - Question 3 Scores

85 $800 Enter Answer Here for Category 2 - Question 4

86 Enter Question Here for
$800 Enter Question Here for Category 2 - Question 4 Scores

87 $1000 Enter Answer Here for Category 2 - Question 5

88 Enter Question Here for
$1000 Enter Question Here for Category 2 - Question 5 Scores

89 $200 Enter Answer Here for Category 3 - Question 1

90 Enter Question Here for
$200 Enter Question Here for Category 3 - Question 1 Scores

91 $400 Enter Answer Here for Category 3 - Question 2

92 Enter Question Here for
$400 Enter Question Here for Category 3 - Question 2 Scores

93 $600 Enter Answer Here for Category 3 - Question 3

94 Enter Question Here for
$600 Enter Question Here for Category 3 - Question 3 Scores

95 $800 Enter Answer Here for Category 3 - Question 4

96 Enter Question Here for
$800 Enter Question Here for Category 3 - Question 4 Scores

97 $1000 Enter Answer Here for Category 3 - Question 5

98 Enter Question Here for
$1000 Enter Question Here for Category 3 - Question 5 Scores

99 $200 Enter Answer Here for Category 4 - Question 1

100 Enter Question Here for
$200 Enter Question Here for Category 4 - Question 1 Scores

101 $400 Enter Answer Here for Category 4 - Question 2

102 Enter Question Here for
$400 Enter Question Here for Category 4 - Question 2 Scores

103 Daily Double

104 $600 Enter Answer Here for Category 4 - Question 3

105 Enter Question Here for
$600 Enter Question Here for Category 4 - Question 3 Scores

106 $800 Enter Answer Here for Category 4 - Question 4

107 Enter Question Here for
$800 Enter Question Here for Category 4 - Question 4 Scores

108 $1000 Enter Answer Here for Category 4 - Question 5

109 Enter Question Here for
$1000 Enter Question Here for Category 4 - Question 5 Scores

110 $200 Enter Answer Here for Category 5 - Question 1

111 Enter Question Here for
$200 Enter Question Here for Category 5 - Question 1 Scores

112 $400 Enter Answer Here for Category 5 - Question 2

113 Enter Question Here for
$400 Enter Question Here for Category 5 - Question 2 Scores

114 $600 Enter Answer Here for Category 5 - Question 3

115 Enter Question Here for
$600 Enter Question Here for Category 5 - Question 3 Scores

116 $800 Enter Answer Here for Category 5 - Question 4

117 Enter Question Here for
$800 Enter Question Here for Category 5 - Question 4 Scores

118 $1000 Enter Answer Here for Category 5 - Question 5

119 Enter Question Here for
$1000 Enter Question Here for Category 5 - Question 5 Scores

120 $200 Enter Answer Here for Category 6 - Question 1

121 Enter Question Here for
$200 Enter Question Here for Category 6 - Question 1 Scores

122 $400 Enter Answer Here for Category 6 - Question 2

123 Enter Question Here for
$400 Enter Question Here for Category 6 - Question 2 Scores

124 $600 Enter Answer Here for Category 6 - Question 3

125 Enter Question Here for
$600 Enter Question Here for Category 6 - Question 3 Scores

126 $800 Enter Answer Here for Category 6 - Question 4

127 Enter Question Here for
$800 Enter Question Here for Category 6 - Question 4 Scores

128 $1000 Enter Answer Here for Category 6 - Question 5

129 Enter Question Here for
$1000 Enter Question Here for Category 6 - Question 5 Scores

130 Final Jeopary Question
Jeopardy Enter Category Final Jeopary Question Scores

131 This person introduced Social Darwinism

132 Who is Herbert Spencer Scores

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