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Prestwick Academy Study Skills for Parents

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1 Prestwick Academy Study Skills for Parents

2 The Power of Learning Did you know:
In one year pupils spend 7800 hours at home and 900 hours in school Doing homework can be equivalent to 1 year’s schooling When parents are involved in their child’s learning pupils achieve more There is always the potential to improve your child’s learning power

3 Common Studying Problems
“I don’t know where to begin?” Take control. Make a list of all the things you have to do. Break your workload down into manageable chunks. Prioritise! Schedule your time realistically “There’s too much to remember” Organise. Information is recalled better if it is represented in an organised framework

4 Improving Memory Skills
Focus your attention on the materials you are studying Avoid cramming by establishing regular study sessions Structure and organise the information you are studying Relate new information to things you already know

5 The How and the Why If you want to learn anything, then you need to be clear about two things: Why you want to learn it (desire) How to learn it (technique) If you know why and how, then it is a sure thing that you will learn it

6 At a Glance – Stages of Studying
What do I know? Create a checklist of what you need to know (if one not provided) Traffic light the areas you need to know for your assessment or exam Create a study timetable or set targets focusing on any area you have identified as red or amber Green topics may need some revision but not a lot

7 How Do I Revise? Select a topic from your revision checklist
Create a revision sheet, mindmap, post-it notes – remember your learning style Try a Past Paper Question Mark it using the marking scheme Use a different colour pen to add in or change any knowledge that you missed in your answer Highlight/re-write information not known or missed into your notes If you feel unsure about marking, remember you can ask your teacher

8 Mind Map A mind map is a graphical way to represent ideas and concepts. It is a visual thinking tool that helps structuring information, helping you to better analyse, comprehend, synthesize, recall and generate new ideas

9 But what can we use mind maps for?
Note taking Brainstorming (individually or in groups) Problem solving Studying and memorisation Presenting information

10 4th year Study Programme

11 Ltscotland study skills
4th year Study Programme

12 4th year Study Programme

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