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2010 Quarter 1 CHI Engineer Participation Team Reward

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1 2010 Quarter 1 CHI Engineer Participation Team Reward CHI Validated Leads Best Advice Engineers will get an individual payment for a CHI lead of £12 for providing our customers with their Best Advice. Best Advice is provided to customers via the CHC Checklist, and if the boiler is over 15yrs in age, problematic, open flue, or reduced / withdrawn parts, not working, efficiency or the customer advised a home improvement. Participation Team Reward for the SM Engineer Teams - The reward works in principle the same as 2009, but the Top Reward for Exceptional Performance is now £20 per Validated Lead. Reward scheme subject to change quarterly in 2010 Each engineer must have 2 Validated Leads per month to affect the Team Participation, and to take a share of the Team Participation Reward Pot, each qualifying engineer must have done 6 Validated Leads during the quarter. This is to encourage consistent advice Which must always be based on facts. 2010 Q1 Engineer Participation Team Reward - What could your Team Earn? One Validated Lead per week per Engineer in your Team in every Quarter. 1 Validated Lead/week per Engineer = 13 weeks x £12 per Validated Lead = £156 in Qdos (Personal Reward) If every Engineer was to commit to offering "Best Advice" and earn his/her individual reward per information above, then potentially your SM / Engineer Team would hit 100% Participation for the Quarter. If every Engineer delivered on their commitment, then in addition to the £12 personal reward, the Team could earn up to £20 per Validated Lead in Team Reward. Your Team Potential: Your TSM Team has 10 Engineers. (Example) To hit the Top Participation you need 8 Engineers per month to Participate & this would give you > 70.1% Participation. If they all Participated, then you would have 100% average, & you would have delivered 130 Validated Leads. This could mean the Team Prize Pot could potentially be = (10 Engineers x 13 weeks) x 1 Validated Lead = Validated Leads. That would mean your Team Reward Pot would be = Validated Leads x £20 = £ 2,600 = £260 per Engineer. So if every engineer delivered 1 Validated Lead each per week, it could be worth.... £156 (Personal Reward) + £ (Team Reward) = £ per Engineer Quarter 1. If 2 engineers did not do the 6 Validated Leads, then they would not qualify for the reward, but the Team Pot would still be £2,600. It would, in this case, be split between 8 meaning £325 each for the Team Reward. Consistent Advice, no matter which engineer calls on the customer is the ultimate objective. 2010 CHI Validated Leads Participation Team Reward Matrix: Iain Stone

2 2010 CHC HU Best Advice Rewards
 Engineers Best Advice must always be based on factual information. If the boiler has no factual reasons for advice, there maybe improvements the customer can do to the system to improve reliability, and save money on their running costs (Fuel Bills). Engineer Personal Reward for Sales made following Best Advice covers the time spent by the engineer in providing the advice, recording it on the Checklist and where requested providing a quotation for the work. Engineer Personal Reward Matrix:- In addition, there are personal rewards, paid at the end of each quarter, based on the YTD Income threshold you have achieved:- Best Advice – Upgrades Team Reward Team reward now based on a combination of Income per Engineer and Upgrade participation. Paid at SM team level, on a quarterly basis Engineers receive %age of the total income generated by their team at end of each quarter Example: - An engineer sells £16,500 of Upgrades in 2010 - Engineer receives an additional payment of £200. - This is over and above the Qdos payments that he/she will receive for each Upgrade and the Team Reward payment that he/she may receive Hit £5k and get £50, then at £10k you get another £50 making £100 altogether and so on…. Bonus payment paid Quarterly SM team of 12 engineers generates £20,000 sales in quarter: i.e. £1,670 per engineer The team has on average 8 engineers a month selling at least one upgrade – so has 66% participation Based on position in matrix, payout is 4% of pot Each engineer receives 4% of £1,670 = £66.80 per engineer, for a quarter Over a year this would equate to £267 per engineer Example: Iain Stone Iain Stone

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