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Effective datasets for CIFOR and FTA:

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1 Effective datasets for CIFOR and FTA:
Data needed to link project and program work with outcomes



4 Sphere of Control 9. People Trained 8. No. of peer reviewed publications 7. No. of innovations by phase

5 Sphere of Influence (“Research Outcomes”)
6. Altmetrics 5. No. of “policies” informed by CGIAR research 4. Ha directly reached by CGIAR activities 3. Participants in CGIAR activities (“direct reach”)

6 Sphere of Influence/Interest
2. Projected uptake – ha (“recommendation domain”) 1. Projected uptake – people 0. Global progress towards SLO targets

7 FTA Data Needs raining records, disaggregated by:
Purpose (do research; use research) Gender Duration (short; long) Publications record (annual) Count of significant technical and policy innovations by sub-IDO by “phase” Altmetrics (annual) Instances of “policy/practice influence” by sub-IDO

8 FTA Data Needs Estimate of ha “reached” by sub-IDO
Estimate of people “reached directly” by sub-IDO Ex ante impact assessments to estimate socio-economic and environmental impact for key impact pathways


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