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Gender Determination Autosomes All chromosomes other

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1 Gender Determination Autosomes All chromosomes other
Than sex chromosomes Pairs #1-22 Sex chromosomes Chromsomes that determine an organism’s gender Pair #23

2 Gender Determination Females: XX 2 large, X-shaped sex chromosomes
Males: XY 1 large, X-shaped & 1 small, hook-shaped Y chromosome

3 What’s the probability of getting a male or female child?

4 What’s the probability of getting a male or female child?
X All eggs receive an X Half of Sperm receive an X Half receive a Y X Y

5 What’s the probability of getting a male or female child?
X Who determines the gender of the offspring? DAD! % female 50% Male X Y XX XY

6 Trait determined by a gene located
Autosomal trait Trait determined by a gene located on an autosome (#1-22) Will appear in males & females equally.

7 Sex-linked traits Gene is located on the X sex chromosome (#23)
Trait will appear in more males than females! WHY?

8 If it carries the recessive allele, they MUST express it.
Sex–Linked Traits More males exhibit recessive, sex-linked traits because they only receive 1 X chromosome. If it carries the recessive allele, they MUST express it. Females, receive 2 X chromosomes, so they must receive two recessive alleles to express them.

9 Example of Sex-Linkage:Colorblindness
XN XN Woman with normal vision XN Xn Woman who is heterozygous for colorblindness ( a “carrier”) Xn Xn Woman who is colorblind XN Y0 Man with normal vision Xn Y0 Man who is colorblind Notice that males CANNOT be carriers! Why?

10 Pedigree A diagram showing how a trait is inherited over several generations of a family. (Fig 12) Used to: Detect a carrier – person who is heterozygous for a recessive trait. (Don’t have the disorder but may pass the allele to offspring). Determine if a trait is dominant or recessive Determine if a gene is autosomal or sex-linked

11 Pedigree = Male = Female = Exhibits trait of interest I. II. III.
Mating I. II. Offspring oldest to youngest from left to right III. = Male = Female = Exhibits trait of interest

12 Dominant or Recessive? If an offspring exhibits traits that neither parent does  it’s recessive. Recessive traits tend to skip generations Dominant traits tend to appear in every generation.

13 Autosomal or Sex-Linked?
If more males exhibit the trait than females it’s sex-linked (The gene is on the X sex-chromosome) If there seem to be equal numbers of males & females with the trait, it’s autosomal. (The gene is on #1-22)

14 Dominant or Recessive? Autosomal or Sex-Linked?

15 Can you determine the genotype of each individual?
Red hair is caused by a recessive allele on chromosome #16. B = Non-red hair (Black, Brown, Blonde) b = Red hair bb bb bb

16 Can you determine the genotype of each individual?
Red hair is caused by a recessive allele on chromosome #16. B = Non-red hair (Black, Brown, Blonde) b = Red hair B_ B_ B_ bb bb B_ B_ B_ B_ bb

17 Can you determine the genotype of each individual?
Red hair is caused by a recessive allele on chromosome #16. B = Non-red hair (Black, Brown, Blonde) b = Red hair Bb Bb B_ bb bb B_ B_ B_ B_ bb

18 Can you determine the genotype of each individual?
Red hair is caused by a recessive allele on chromosome #16. B = Non-red hair (Black, Brown, Blonde) b = Red hair Bb Bb B_ bb bb B_ B_ Bb Bb bb

19 Can you determine the genotype of each individual?
Red hair is caused by a recessive allele on chromosome #16. B = Non-red hair (Black, Brown, Blonde) b = Red hair Bb Bb B_ bb bb Bb B_ Bb Bb bb

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