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Tricky Triangles Assessment Project

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1 Tricky Triangles Assessment Project
Teaching all Learners Fall and Spring,

2 Tricky Triangles Assessment Project
By October 19 Work with a peer to administer the assessment to: A class of students, including students with disabilities – if they can take the test as a group OR 10 students, including students with disabilities – if they need to take the assessment individually Fill out the data sheet with your results

3 Tricky Triangles Assessment Project
October 19 Bring completed data sheet and student work to class You will begin to analyze your data

4 Tricky Triangles Assessment Project
November 16 Turn in your Data sheet for the data collection you did in October Description of patterns of performance, including van Heile levels of students Comparison of the performance of students with and without disabilities in your group Instructional implications of your data

5 Tricky Triangles Assessment Project
Between November 19 and March 29 Keep a log about instruction you provided relative to students’ understanding of polygons, specifically triangle, and your reflections on this instruction Re-administer the assessment Examine your data and note Change from fall data Comparisons of performance of students with and without disabilities

6 Tricky Triangles Assessment Project
March 29 Turn in Final data along with initial data Log of instruction and reflections Write-up Changes shown in the data in comparison to fall data Comparisons of performance of students with and without disabilities Be prepared to present and discuss your data

7 Tricky Triangle Assessment Project
If you do the assignment with a peer in the class You can both contribute to and hand in one set of data and interpretations The only separate component: Instructional log and reflections on the instruction

8 Grading Criteria Date Due We will look for 10-19 (Home-work)
Completed data sheet and student work Evidence of careful assessment and recording; Van Hiele levels noted 11-16 (40%) Completed data sheet, write-up of patterns, differences between students with and without disabilities and instructional implications Complete; correspondence between data and interpretation; instructional implications that correspond to data; evidence of considering differentiation 3-29 (60%) Completed post-test and pre-test data sheet, log of instructions and reflections, write-up of change and differences between students with and without disabilities Complete; evidence of teaching linked to students’ levels; evidence of thinking carefully about instruction and its impact on students; correspondence between data and interpretation

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