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How do I answer source Qs well?

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Presentation on theme: "How do I answer source Qs well?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How do I answer source Qs well?

2 How do I answer an exam question well?
Lesson aim: To have practised writing a source Q. TASK: On mini whiteboard, write down the 4 long-term causes of WWI and a definition for each. Discuss how a friendship is akin to alliances.

3 What were the long-term causes of WWI?
M – Militarism A – Alliances I – Imperialism N - Nationalism Mini whiteboards definitions of the words.

4 Look at your exam Q guide sheet….
We’ve practised a number of 4,6,10 knowledge questions. There will also be a number of source questions which will come up. Always use the structures on the sheet to help you.

5 Label on your answer where the candidate has met the mark scheme.
In some ways, source D is useful in understanding the long-term causes of WWI because it is an extract of patriotic songs which illustrate nationalism at this time. An example of this is in the German national anthem which says ‘Germany, Germany above all.’ Nationalism of Germany and other countries caused significant tensions. Kaiser Wilhelm wanted Germany to have ‘a place in the sun’ and this led to rivalry and suspicion of other nations. However, in other ways this source is not useful because it does not show important long-term causes of WWI such as militarism, imperialism and alliances. Furthermore, the source is patriotic songs and therefore have the purpose of glorifying the nation and therefore may over exaggerate nationalism. Certainly, the source is limited for not addressing other key long term causes of WWI. For example, the naval race between Britain and Germany and the launch of the Dreadnought in 1906 greatly increased both military power an hostilities between countries. Label on your answer where the candidate has met the mark scheme.

6 Source E:

What is the message of source E? Use the source and your own knowledge to answer the question. [6 marks] MAIN MESSAGE – CONTENT OF SOURCE MAIN MESSAGE – OWN KNOWLEDGE p213: Germany’s aim Kaiser felt he should be a world power and have an over seas empire like Britain. p216: Navy Tried to rival Britain’s navy, copied the 1906 Dreadnought, occupied North Sea. p217: source 14 build forces P217: profile box (point 6) Kaiser very ambitious wanted to be recognised as the greatest power in Europe. Germany wants world control ‘the dream’ is Wilhelm’s ambition. Many nations are bowing down ‘the world is mine’ at the feet of the Kaiser Wilhelm. British cartoon – mocking this dream of Germany’s. Plan on sheets.

8 Write-up answer.

9 Mark your work! Swap your book….. Use the mark scheme:
2 things they did well 1 improvement



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