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PHCC Michelle Zollars. ALP (Accelerated Learning Program) provides an opportunity for students to enroll in a developmental course and the corresponding.

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Presentation on theme: "PHCC Michelle Zollars. ALP (Accelerated Learning Program) provides an opportunity for students to enroll in a developmental course and the corresponding."— Presentation transcript:

1 ALP @ PHCC Michelle Zollars

2 ALP (Accelerated Learning Program) provides an opportunity for students to enroll in a developmental course and the corresponding college-level course at the same time with the same instructor.

3 At registration, the student signs up for two courses that meet consecutively: (e.g., ENG 111 @ 9:30 MW and ENG 03 @ 11:00 MW). The college-level class is made up of approximately half developmental and half non-developmental students. The developmental students then remain with the same teacher after this class ends for developmental instruction.

4 Students who would be taking their last developmental class before on-level Students who realize what is involved and are willing to commit Good advising is key!

5 The same thing that happens in a traditional credit class!

6 We spend time in the developmental class answering questions left over from the 111 class discussing ideas for the next essay in 111 reviewing drafts of essays the students are working on for 111 writing short papers that reinforce what has been discussed in the 111 class or prepare for what will be discussed in the 111 class doing research working on grammar and punctuation (MyWritingLab) discussing how to succeed as a college student, including advising for the next semester discussing problems interfering with the students progress in 111

7 Class size Individualized instruction Success rate Contextualization – Students see the immediate value of what they are learning in developmental writing. It is a two-credit class. The traditional developmental writing class is three credits.

8 Students fulfill their developmental English requirement and college-level English requirement in the same semester. Small class size – ALP developmental courses have ten students. One-on-one time with the instructor Homework assignments for the college-level course do double duty in the developmental course. Greater chance of success – ALP courses have a higher pass rate than traditional developmental writing courses.

9 ALP is one option for delivering ENF 3 Proven efficacy Structure is Peoplesoft-ready Already fits the course-credit requirement PHCC will be using MySkillsLab – no textbook

10 Class size – Make sure the ALP course is at least half the size of the college-level course. Scheduling – The college-level course should be taught first, immediately followed by the ALP course. Instructor – Have the same instructor for both courses. Cooperative learning

11 Ideally suited for ALP because of the various skill levels of the students The bonding that naturally happens in the smaller ALP course carries over into the on- level course because… Students build positive interdependency. Students are more likely to work together outside of class. Students are taught the value of teamwork.

12 Students develop a strong, positive relationship with each other and with the instructor Students have more individualized instruction due to small class size Saves money for the student and the college Less homework for the student Students have a more rich developmental experience because the learning is contextualized. Developmental students are more successful in a shorter time frame!!

13 Incorporate ALP in your schedule Identify faculty willing to give it a try Attend ALP Institute at Community College of Baltimore County (June) Visit ALPIN website Educate college advising community regarding placement in ALP Market ALP to students Contact me!!!!


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