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February 7, 2019.

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1 February 7, 2019

2 Move In Phase Crossroads style $1,818,214.
Master Plan Cost - $4,100,000 Move In Phase Project: Renovate Auditorium:400 seats Add LULA elevator and Fire Suppression HVAC all renovated areas Partially basement and third floors (kid & student spaces) Includes $50K budget for special theme items for Kids and Students spaces Utilize existing AV/Tech equipment $20K budget for short term (3 – 5yr) basement waterproofing Image of Broadstreet Move In Phase Crossroads style $1,818,214.

3 Making it Happen – Move In Phase
Collections required prior to renovation = $150K Projected time to collect $150K = March 3, 2019 Move In Construction timing: March 3, 2019 – February 17, 2020 Projected time to collect all pledges = 36 months Loan at end of 3-yr pledge collection = $719K Loan payment = 5.5% interest and 15-year note Approximate time to complete Move In Phase = 12 months.

4 Reality is there will be short term debt to execute BPM.
Potential debt at the end of 2022 pledge year: $720K Steps to reduce/eliminate this debt Additional Capital campaign beginning 2022 Including raising funds to complete the Master Plan Obtain 15 year 5.5% interest rate: $5,909/month payment (Current rent at AHS $5,350) Reality is there will be short term debt to execute BPM.

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