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6 July, 2009 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: FPP SUN Simulation Results – Redpine Signals.

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Presentation on theme: "6 July, 2009 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: FPP SUN Simulation Results – Redpine Signals."— Presentation transcript:

1 6 July, 2009 Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: FPP SUN Simulation Results – Redpine Signals Date Submitted: 6 July, 2009 Source: Partha Murali Company: Redpine Signals Inc. Address: 2107 N First Street, Suite #680, San Jose, USA Voice: , Re: IEEE Task Group 4g Call for Proposals (CFP) on 22 January, 2009 Abstract: This presentation summarizes the performance results of the “Future-Proof” OFDM PHY Merged proposal for Option-2 and Option-3 Purpose: Simulation Results demonstrating the performance of the Merged OFDM proposal for g PHY Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P Partha Murali, Redpine Signals Inc.

2 Future Proof Platform for SUN: Simulation Results – Redpine Signals
6 July, 2009 Future Proof Platform for SUN: Simulation Results – Redpine Signals Partha Murali IEEE 802 Plenary Session San Francisco July 2009 Contributors: Rishi Mohindra [MAXIM], Emmanuel Monerie [Landis & Gyr], Steve Shearer [Independent], Shusaku Shimada [Yokogawa Electric Co.], Bob Fishette [Trilliant], Sangsung Choi, [ETRI], Roberto Aiello [Independent], Kendall Smith [Aclara], David Howard [On-Ramp] Partha Murali, Redpine Signals Inc.

3 Outline Future Proof OFDM PHY overview of modes simulated
6 July, 2009 Outline Future Proof OFDM PHY overview of modes simulated Tx Model for Scalable OFDM PHY Channel Model Used Simulation Results - AWGN Simulation Results - Multipath Sensitivity and Link Margin Calculations Summary References Partha Murali, Redpine Signals Inc.

4 Future-Proof OFDM PHY – Modes simulated are highlighted
6 July, 2009 Future-Proof OFDM PHY – Modes simulated are highlighted OFDM Option 1 OFDM Option 2 OFDM Option 3 OFDM Option 4 OFDM Option 5 Unit FFT size 128 64 32 16 8 Active Tones 108 52 26 14 6 # Pilots tones 4 2 # Data Tones 100 48 22 12 Approximate Signal BW 1064 518 264 146 68 kHz BPSK 1/2 rate coded and 4x repetition 98 kbps BPSK 1/2 rate coded and 2x repetition 195 94 43 BPSK 1/2 rate coded 391 187 86 47 BPSK 3/4 rate coded 586 281 129 70 QPSK 1/2 rate coded 781 375 172 QPSK 3/4 rate coded 562 258 141 16-QAM 1/2 rate coded 750 344 62 16-QAM 3/4 rate coded 516 For details on the proposed OFDM-PHY please refer to g-FPP-SUN-Detailed-Proposal.doc Partha Murali, Redpine Signals Inc.

5 Tx Model for Scalable OFDM PHY
6 July, 2009 Tx Model for Scalable OFDM PHY Partha Murali, Redpine Signals Inc.

6 Multipath Channel Model used
6 July, 2009 Multipath Channel Model used SUN Multipath Channels Channel Type Tap Number Tap Relative Delay (us) Channel Sampling Rate (KHz) Tap Sample Number Average relative power (dB) Typical Urban 1 3125 amp1 2 5 16 -22.3 amp2 Bad Urban -3 Hilly Terrain 15 47 -8.6 Partha Murali, Redpine Signals Inc.

7 Multipath Channel Matlab Code (for Reference)
6 July, 2009 Multipath Channel Matlab Code (for Reference) function [y]=two_ray_multipath_channel(x,amp1,amp2,n_FsDelay) % x is the input to the Multipath channel % y is the output of the Multipath channel %amp1 = Average amplitude of 1'st path in dB %amp2 = Average amplitude of 2'nd path in dB %n_FsDelay = Delay in Number of Samples at the sampling rate of x. % If x is sampled at 3125KHz (5x) and n_FsDelay=16 then sample delay of second tap is 5us. RV1=(randn(1,1)+j*randn(1,1))/sqrt(2)*10^(amp1/20); RV2=(randn(1,1)+j*randn(1,1))/sqrt(2)*10^(amp2/20); y=(x*RV1 + [zeros(1,n_FsDelay) x(1:(length(x)-n_FsDelay))]*RV2)/sqrt(10^(amp1/20) + 10^(amp2/20)); Partha Murali, Redpine Signals Inc.

8 6 July, 2009 Notes on Simulation Channel Models used are from: ETSI EN v3.2.1 which are chosen for SUN simulations Channel was Sampled at 5x sampling rate of signal (625Khz * 5 = 3125Khz) The Multipath Fading channel output should “not” be normalized for each packet. The Multipath Fading channel has “unit-normalized” gain in the “ensemble” sense over multiple packets. All PER plots are with respect to Ensemble SNR (dB) = Tx Signal Power – Path-Loss – 20*log10(k*T*B). SNR at Receiver input was varied by varying the Path Loss 500 channel realizations were simulated for each Path loss (each SNR point) to estimate the PER at that SNR Partha Murali, Redpine Signals Inc.

9 Approximate Signal Bandwidth
6 July, 2009 Simulation Results: AWGN – Summary Future Proof OFDM Proposal Option-2 Sampling Rate Approximate Signal Bandwidth In-Band Thermal Noise Floor k*T*B (dBm) assuming 625KHz Noise bandwidth FFT Points Modulation Code Rate Data-Rate (Kbps) AWGN 10Byte (dB) AWGN 100Byte (dB) AWGN 1KByte (dB) 625KHz 518KHz -116 64 16-QAM 1/2 750 8 9.5 10.5 QPSK 3/4 562.5 5.5 6.5 7.4 375 3 4.1 4.9 BPSK 187.5 1.5 1.8 Notes 1 Receiver Used had an implementation loss of <0.5dB 2 The numbers in green are the SNRs for 1% Packet Error Rate Partha Murali, Redpine Signals Inc.

10 Simulation Results: AWGN – Summary
6 July, 2009 Simulation Results: AWGN – Summary Future Proof OFDM Proposal Option-3 Sampling Rate Approximate Signal Bandwidth In-Band Thermal Noise Floor k*T*B (dBm) assuming 312.5KHz Noise BW FFT Points Modulation Code Rate Data-Rate (Kbps) AWGN 10Byte (dB) AWGN 100Byte (dB) AWGN 1KByte (dB) 312.5KHz 264KHz -119 32 16-QAM 3/4 516 11.6 13.3 14.2 1/2 344 7.9 9.3 10.2 QPSK 258 5.5 6.3 7.1 172 2.9 4 4.7 BPSK 86 1.4 1.5 1.8 Notes 1 Receiver Used had an implementation loss of <0.5dB 2 The numbers in green are the SNRs for 1% Packet Error Rate Partha Murali, Redpine Signals Inc.

11 6 July, 2009 Partha Murali, Redpine Signals Inc.

12 Simulation Results: Multipath – Summary
6 July, 2009 Simulation Results: Multipath – Summary Sampling Rate Approximate Signal Bandwidth In-Band Thermal Noise Floor k*T*B (dBm) assuming 625KHz Noise BW FFT Points Modulation Code Rate Data-Rate (Kbps) Typical Urban 100 Byte (dB) Bad Urban 100 Byte (dB) Hilly Terrain 100 Byte (dB) 625KHz 518KHz -116 64 16-QAM 1/2 750 19 18.6 18 QPSK 3/4 562.5 16.4 17.5 375 13 9 10.4 BPSK 187.5 8.5 7 8 Notes 1 Receiver Used had an implementation loss of <0.5dB 2 The numbers in green are the SNRs for 10% Packet Error Rate Partha Murali, Redpine Signals Inc.

13 6 July, 2009 Partha Murali, Redpine Signals Inc.

14 Sensitivity and Link Budget Calculations (Bandwidth Option-2)
6 July, 2009 Sensitivity and Link Budget Calculations (Bandwidth Option-2) Mode Option-2 1KByte, BPSK ½, 187.5Kbps Option-2 1KByte, 16-QAM ½, 750Kbps Transmit Power (example) 30dBm Transmit & Receive Antenna Gains (combined) 0dBi Fading Channel Model No Fading (AWGN) Bad Urban Fading Required Rx SNR 1.8 7 18.6 In-band Noise Floor k*T*B (dBm) -116 RF Transceiver Noise Figure (including RF Front-end) (dB) 4 Digital Implementation Loss (dB) 1 Receive Sensitivity at Antenna for 187.5Kbps Mode (dBm) -109.2 -104 -92.4 “REAL” Link Margin (dB) 139.2 134 122.4 Partha Murali, Redpine Signals Inc.

15 Summary, Conclusions and Discussion
6 July, 2009 “Multipath Fade Margin” Reduces Considerably with BICM (Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulation) OFDM Systems The difference in performance between AWGN and Fading results is about 7dB for Option-2 Dummy repeater nodes would be minimal in most deployments (even sub-urban & rural) => easy to approach 100% regional coverage for AMI & Smart-grid Excess link-margin can be traded OFF for lesser Tx Power (simpler PA => low-cost, low-power) Future-Proof OFDM provides scalable bandwidth Options Fits all regulatory domains – 1x, 2x, 4x, 8x and 16x bandwidth options Bandwidth options 2 and 3 are simulated in this document Future-Proof OFDM provides scalable data-rates in each bandwidth option 94-750Kbps for Option-2 (>15dB range in SNR of operation) 43-516Kbps for Option-3 (>20dB range in SNR of operation) All the above is achieved in a coherent fashion with a simple symbol structure to enable single chipset implementations for multiple bandwidth options Partha Murali, Redpine Signals Inc.

16 6 July, 2009 THANK YOU Partha Murali, Redpine Signals Inc.

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