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CMTR1 interacts with DHX15.

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1 CMTR1 interacts with DHX15.
CMTR1 interacts with DHX15. (A) HA-CMTR1 was immunoprecipitatated from HeLa cell extracts and co-purifying proteins identified by mass spectrometry. Mascot scores and TU (tryptic unique) peptides for HA-CMTR1 and DHX15 are reported (upper panel). HA-DHX15 was immunoprecipitated from HeLa cell extracts. Mascot scores and TU (tryptic unique) peptides for HA-DHX15 and CMTR1 are reported (lower panel). (B) Protein coverage of HA-CMTR1 and DHX15 in HA-CMTR1 IPs. Francisco Inesta-Vaquera et al. LSA 2018;1:e © 2018 Inesta-Vaquera et al.

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